Beta's Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series Book 8)

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Book: Beta's Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series Book 8) by Caryn Moya Block Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caryn Moya Block
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walkway. They turned next to the bar and walked the short distance to the restaurant entrance. As they moved closer, loud voices filled the air.
    “I cannot work like this. I must have fresh ingredients. You promised only the best,” a voice complained.
    “Guillaume, please, I promise you, I will find out what is going on with the shipments. You must give me time to fix this.”
    Brenda and Esme followed Jared, as he joined the arguing men. One wore the white uniform of a chef, while the other wore a business suit. “Is there a problem, gentleman?” Jared asked.
    “Jared, I’m glad you’re here. I was going to call you to meet with me. We have a problem,” the man in the business suit replied.
    “Perhaps we could discuss it in your office, Parker. Instead of here where we might ruin someone’s appetite.” Parker—Brenda remembered that name. This must be the human owner of the resort.
    “Of course, you’re right,” Parker said, appearing to just notice the line of guests waiting to be seated. “Guillaume, please return to duty. Do what you can for now, while I get things straightened out.”
    With a sniff, the cook walked toward the kitchen. Parker turned to Jared and noticed Esme and Brenda for the first time. “Oh, you were going to have lunch. Please forgive me for interrupting.”
    “This is my fiancée, Esme, and her foster sister, Brenda. From her uniform you can see Brenda is working with your ski patrol,” Jared replied. Brenda noticed the careful way Jared explained their relationships for their human audience.
    “Very nice to meet you, ladies. Perhaps you would like to wait here and order your lunch. This meeting shouldn’t take long and then Jared can join you.”
    Esme looked to Jared, and Brenda knew they were speaking telepathically.  “That would be lovely,” she said.
    Parker motioned the hostess forward and whispered in her ear. Brenda, with her lycan hearing, heard the order of only the best for her party. The hostess quickly grabbed up two menus.
    Esme gave Jared a quick kiss on the cheek before following the hostess. Brenda hesitated. She really wanted to know what was going on at the resort. Jared winked at her as if he knew what she thought. Brenda sighed and followed Esme to their table.
    Granger watched a delighted Susan play with the sled dog pups. She sat contentedly on the floor as they scrambled around her, biting each other, and at her clothes. Susan picked up one and it gave kisses to her face. Susan giggled and put the pup down. “They’re wonderful,” she said, her face alight with joy. Granger felt an answering warmth in his chest. He was glad Susan had found something she liked.
    “But, what is the job? I’m sure you don’t want to pay me to play with the puppies all day.” Susan helped one pup roll onto his stomach, after being knocked over by a littermate.
    They both looked at Rosalie, the human mate of Hubert Blais, and owner of the sled dog company.
    “No, but playing with all the dogs is part of our day. We feed and groom them as well as clean up their living spaces. Hubert, trains them to the sled. But, he may ask for assistance if he’s having problems. So, we go where we’re needed if something comes up. I would love to have you join us. We’ve been short a set of hands since our son, Bénin, went to University.”
    “Why don’t you try it out for a few days, Susan?” Granger suggested.
    “I would love to, if that’s all right with you, Rosalie,” Susan asked.
    “Yes, yes, that will work. I will drive Susan to the Alpha’s lodge when she’s done working,” Rosalie suggested.
    “Well then, I guess I’ll be going. I hope you have a great day, Susan. See you later, Rosalie.” Granger pulled himself away, suddenly reluctant to leave the tranquil setting.
    He’d need to check in with the utility crew, though power had been returned to the resort already. Sighing, he made his way to his truck. He started the motor and leaned his

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