Beta's Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series Book 8)

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Book: Beta's Mate (Siberian Volkov Pack Romance Series Book 8) by Caryn Moya Block Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caryn Moya Block
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door open…
    Susan flinched. Her smiling face turning into one of alarm. “God, I’m sorry. Whatever I did, I’m sorry, Brenda,” Susan said, tears starting to flow down her cheeks. “Was it the pie, I left you? Did I ruin it? Granger helped me heat it up. Felicity actually made it before she left. She’s normally a really good cook. I’m sorry if I ruined it.”
    Brenda froze. My God what was wrong with her? She was becoming a monster. Everyone tried to be nice to her and all she could do was get mad. Was Esme right? Did she feel undeserving?
    “Come here, silly,” Brenda said, gathering the sobbing Susan into her arms. “You didn’t ruin the pie, I did.”
    “I don’t understand…” Susan got out between hiccups and sobs.
    “I know. I’m not sure I understand. Come in. There is still chicken and wine sauce on the stove. Eat dinner with me. That’s why you came over, isn’t it?”
    “I can come back if you don’t want me. I just wanted to tell you about my new job,” Susan said, wiping at her eyes.
    “Let me get you a tissue,” Brenda said, dragging Susan into the front room. Brenda hurried over to a table and grabbed the tissue box and handed a wad to Susan. “Here you go. Wipe your face and then come upstairs to the kitchen. I’ve got to clean up the mess I made with the pie before it leaves a stain.”
    “So, you’re not mad at me?” Susan asked.
    “No, not at all. Hurry now, I’m not sure if the paint is going to withstand the berries in that pie,” Brenda said, running up the stairs to the second level. She rushed into the kitchen closet where the cleaning supplies were stored. “Be careful of the glass on the floor. Don’t cut yourself.”
    Susan stood in the doorway, her eyes wide. She looked from the counter to the wall covered in purple goo. “You threw my pie?”
    “Yeah, pretty stupid of me, huh?”
    “But, why?” Susan asked.
    “I’m not really sure. I was mad that Granger, one more time, did something nice for me.”
    “You don’t want Granger to be nice to you?” Susan said, grabbing a rag off the sink and scrubbing at the pie filling on the wall.
    Brenda swept the glass and stuff on the floor into the waste pan and dumped it into the trash before coming back with a mop for the floor. “It’s not that. I guess I’m mad because I don’t feel like I have a choice.”
    “I don’t think Granger has a choice, either. If he did, he would have chosen someone easier than you, no offense,” Susan said, quickly.
    “None taken, and you’re right. Esme said something at lunch about not understanding why Asena, all knowing lycan goddess that she is, picked me for Granger’s mate.”
    “I’ve been wondering why Asena let Esme’s brother turn us into lycans,” Susan said, rinsing out the rag before returning for another swipe. “I’ve been feeling kind of worthless for a while now. Well, until today, when Granger took me to work with the sled dogs. I love the job. I don’t even mind cleaning out the pens. The dogs are so nice, and Rosalie and her husband, Hubert, are really patient with me and explain everything really well.”
    “I’m glad you found something you like, Susan. I really like working with the Ski Patrol. Of course, all I’ve been doing is working on the equipment and making sure the trails are clear. The real work won’t start until the trails are open to the public,” Brenda said while putting the mop in the closet. Luckily, the wall washed clean. Brenda would have to buy Felicity a new pie plate.
    “You know, you and Granger are kind of alike that way. Protecting people, and then helping them when they’re hurt,” Susan said, rinsing the rag and putting it on the sink. “You do like him, right? I mean, you like men, don’t you?”
    “Yes, not that it’s any of your business,” Brenda said, pulling plates out of the cupboard. “Why don’t you get the silverware and glasses while I serve this?”
    “Okay,” Susan said, searching the

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