Beta’s Challenge

Read Online Beta’s Challenge by Mildred Trent and Sandra Mitchell - Free Book Online

Book: Beta’s Challenge by Mildred Trent and Sandra Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mildred Trent and Sandra Mitchell
Tags: Contemporary, MC/IR,BDSM, M/M/F
I’m sorry. I won’t do it again.” She tried to ease up the back of the couch enough to go for a vault over it, but Adrian sensed what she was doing and lay the top half of his body in her lap, effectively preventing her from moving another inch.
    Smelling the arousal underlying the anger had Adrian’s head swimming and his body humming. Realizing he would get a better reaction from Toya in human form, he began to change. His body shimmered and he was again in human form on his hands and knees with his face buried in Toya’s crotch.
    The smell of her pussy and arousal was more than wolf or man could bear any longer so, not giving her a chance to argue, he grabbed her legs and pulled her closer to him while at the same time, opening them wider. Adrian rubbed his face all over her cloth-covered pussy, trying to wipe her scent all over his face. He looked up at her. “If you don’t get out of these clothes right now, I will rip them to shreds.”
    Toya, still dumbfounded from watching him shift back into human form, absentmindedly removed her clothes until she was just as naked as he. She hadn’t realized what she’d done until she felt a wet tongue swipe her naked pussy.
    Adrian buried his face in Toya’s, now, unobstructed pussy. He lapped at it as if he were a cat that had gone a year without cream and was finally given a bowl full. When he pushed his tongue into her warmth, he groaned at the same time Toya did. He brought his knees under his body and rocked back on his haunches. He was going to be here for a while.
    Toya’s head was reeling. All the events of the night melded together. When Adrian pushed his tongue into her drenched pussy, all other thoughts flew out the window. She tried to close her legs at the onslaught of the overwhelming sensations Adrian’s tongue was causing, but his wide shoulders prevented that. She was trembling uncontrollably and looked for something, anything, to hold on to. The only thing she could grip was Adrian’s silky black hair. She curled her fingers in his hair, nails scratching Adrian’s scalp in the process. Suddenly, that seemed to be a wrong move on her part because Adrian went wild.
    Before she realized what had happened, Adrian had her flat on her back, on the floor, his dick inside of her balls deep.
    Adrian smiled down at Toya. “This is not how I wanted this to happen, but when you scratched my scalp that was the last of the control I had. Don’t you know that scratching a lupine’s ears is the ULTIMATE aphrodisiac?” Adrian taunted, beginning a slow, steady, deep stroke inside Toya’s body.
    Toya looked up at Adrian and said, “That’s a nice little tidbit of information but if you don’t fuck me right now, I will scratch something else and I guarantee it won’t have the same effect.”
    “Yes, Ma’am.” Adrian increased the speed and pressure of his strokes,  setting a grueling pace. He fucked her like he was trying to come out through her throat. Toya had no choice but to hold on for the ride.
    “I swear I can taste you, Adrian. What are you trying to do?” Toya said as Adrian fucked her into the couch.
    “I want to you feel how badly I want you,” Adrian said between thrusts. “I want you to know what I have to give and want you to want what I have to give. I will never hold anything back from you, Toya. I will always give you my all and expect you to do the same,” Adrian said in rhythm with his strokes.
    Toya was lost. His words, his actions touched something inside her she didn’t know was there. She had spent her whole life focusing on her career and not taking the time to find out what else she needed to make her life complete. What Adrian was offering her was EXACTLY what else she needed. Making up her mind that she was willing to trust and believe everything Adrian had just said, Toya pushed Adrian off the couch onto the floor on his back and straddled his hips, never

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