Best Kept Secrets

Read Online Best Kept Secrets by Rochelle Alers - Free Book Online

Book: Best Kept Secrets by Rochelle Alers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rochelle Alers
    “I’m well. In fact, I’m wonderful.” She was wonderful. His soft, drawling voice sent shivers up her spine.
    “I’m glad to hear that.”
    “Are you, Samuel?”
    “Am I what?”
    “Glad you’re talking to me?”
    “Of course I am, M.J. Why do you think I’m calling you?”
    “Is it because you’re planning to come to Cuba?”
    “I’m already in Havana.”
    M.J. couldn’t stop her knees from shaking. Groping for a nearby straight-back chair, she sat down. “When did you arrive?”
    “A couple of days ago.”
    “And you’re just calling me?”
    A deep laugh came through the earpiece. “Your father warned me that you were outspoken.”
    M.J.’s face was flushed with humiliation and anger at herself. Her quick tongue had gotten her in trouble again. She wanted to get to know Samuel Cole better, not chase him away.
    “Please forgive my impertinence, Samuel.”
    “There’s nothing to forgive. I’d like to know if your offer to act as my guide is still available.”
    Her embarrassment was short-lived. “Yes, it is. When would you like to meet?”
    “How’s tomorrow?”
    “It’s good, but…”
    “But what?” Samuel asked when her words trailed off into silence.
    “I have to get in touch with my aunt.” She actually did not want her aunt to chaperone her and Samuel but knew doing so would alleviate some of her father’s anxiety about her being alone with a man. “What are you thinking, Samuel?”
    “I could always arrange to see you another time.”
    “No!” she shouted before clamping her free hand over her mouth. “As soon as I hang up I’ll call Tia Gloria and ask her to come.”
    “What if she has other plans?”
    “She’ll change them for me.” M.J. smiled when Samuel laughed again. “What’s so humorous?”
    “You,” he replied, chuckling. “Do you expect everyone to stop what they’re doing because you deem it?”
    “No. Is there a telephone where you’re staying?”
    “Yes. Why?”
    “I’ll have Tia Gloria call for you and both of you can come together. Where are you staying?” He gave her the name of a hotel in Habana Vieja. “I’ll give her the number and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    “Yes, M.J.?”
    “Thank you for coming back.”
    “I’m glad to be back.”
    “Hasta mañana.”
    “What does that mean?”
    “Until tomorrow.”
    “ Hasta mañana, Senorita Diaz.”
    M.J. laughed at his bungled attempt to speak Spanish. The words, which should’ve sounded musical, came out flat and nasal. “You need a Spanish tutor, Senor Cole.”
    “Are you available to take on a student?”
    “Very available.”
    “Good. Can we begin mañana? ”
    “ Sí , Senor Cole. Adios . That means goodbye.”
    “Adios,” he repeated.
    M.J. hung up, covered her mouth and swallowed her giggles. It had taken Samuel Cole a month, but he had kept his promise to return to Cuba. Now all she had to do was tell her father that he was coming to see her, then wait for his reaction.
    M.J. found her father in the library, reading glasses perched on the end of his aquiline nose. Rays of late-morning sunlight glinted off a full head of silver-gray hair. The crisp crackle of turning newspaper pages competed with the soft twitter of a pair of colorful birds flying around a large wicker cage.
    Jose Luis turned and peered over the top of his rimless eyewear, a slight frown vanishing when he saw who’d interrupted him. Just once he wanted to be able to finish reading the paper in one day.
    “Que tu haces?”
    “ Tia is coming tomorrow.”
    “Good,” he said quickly before turning back to the article about Cuba’s newly elected president.
    “She’s coming with Samuel Cole.”
    “What!” The word exploded from Jose Luis. Rising slowly to his feet, he stared at his daughter as if she were a stranger. “What on earth have you done?” he whispered harshly.
    M.J. knew it was too late to retreat or withdraw her invitation to Samuel.

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