Play Date (Play Makers Book 3)

Read Online Play Date (Play Makers Book 3) by Kate Donovan - Free Book Online

Book: Play Date (Play Makers Book 3) by Kate Donovan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Donovan
Tags: Romance, Contemporary Romance, sexy romance, Sports, Football, teacher, Bad boys of football
better than platitudes. Then he assured her, “I’ll talk to him. And maybe you should try blocking his number—”
    “Really, Einstein?”
    “Man, you’re almost as scary as Beth when you’re mad,” he said, laughing out loud even though he knew it would piss her off further. Then he cleared his throat. “I’m really sorry, Rachel. I’ll take care of it, then I’ll call you—”
    “Don’t bother, because I’m blocking you next. So just get it done.”
    She disconnected as threatened, so he turned his phone off then gave Kerrie a sheepish wince.
    “I love her,” Kerrie said, her smile mischievous.
    “She’s usually so sweet.”
    “Why should she be? You ignored her all night, even though she’s gorgeous. And you actually let Bam Bannerman get his hands on her? That’s just wrong. I’ve heard stories, Sean. He’s ginormous.”
    “You’re making my ears bleed.”
    She giggled. “Don’t worry, you’re big too. But it’s different with him because he’s a sex maniac.”
    “He’s not that bad,” Sean murmured, trying to be loyal to his friend even though he wanted to rip his throat out. “But yeah, he’s out of her league. Or vice versa. She just kissed him to get back at me.”
    “Well, she made a huge mistake. Now he’ll hound her until he gets what he wants.”
    “It was a regular kiss,” he insisted, concerned for the first time. “I saw it. Not Bam’s usual style. So I figure he was just clowning around. Trying to tweak me and John because we didn’t pay enough attention to her. But he’ll back off.”
    “I hope so.”
    “So, listen.” He coughed warily. “We came here to talk, remember? So let’s talk.”
    “Okay.” She sat up, attentive and trusting, her erect nipples front and center. “You can say anything to me, Sean.”
    “Good, because . . .” He cleared his throat again. “I like you a lot, obviously. But I can’t have a relationship with a married woman.”
    “I don’t feel married,” she reminded him. “He sleeps with other women. Lots of them. He never makes love to me. It’s like we’re emotionally divorced already.”
    Sean struggled against an impulse to rescue her. Because that wasn’t his job, was it? At least not yet.
    So all he said was, “That sounds bad, Kerrie. But it doesn’t change the fact that—legally—you’re married. And that’s a problem for me.”
    “I have a problem too,” she said with a teasing smile. “I’m in love with you.”
    He forced himself to use a stern tone. “You don’t even know me.”
    She looked pensive for a moment. Then she said solemnly, “First of all, I do know you. I’ve worshipped you from afar for more than two years. Been there for your ups and downs. When you were miserable about breaking Bannerman’s hand, so was I. And I was euphoric—for you, not Coz—when you won the Super Bowl. And mostly, I was in awe of you, because you handled both extremes with grace. Because you’re so strong. And so noble.” She tousled his hair with her fingertips. “But even if I didn’t know a thing about you, I’d still love you. Because it was love at first sight. You believe in that, don’t you?”
    “Yeah,” he admitted, seduced by her crazy logic.
    “For me, it was that Jacksonville game when you kicked a sixty-yard field goal in the middle of a hurricane. I just sat there. Stunned. Mesmerized. Not just because it was so awesome, but because I felt like you kicked it just for me.”
    Sean stared in confusion. Was this true? That was the very game when he had first caught a glimpse of her . On the big screen, looking amazing. Then Coz Cosner had sat down beside her and put his arm around her, and Sean had realized who she was.
    Love at first sight? Under other circumstances, it might have been something like that. But instead, he had been jolted into unrequited lust, a much safer option. Not that Coz had been his coach back then, but the fix was in so to speak, thanks to Sean’s agent, Patrick

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