
Read Online BeMyWarlockTonight by Renee Field - Free Book Online

Book: BeMyWarlockTonight by Renee Field Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Field
however, did not want more. She didn’t think her heart or body could stand watching him attempt to neatly slice and dice his body parts. A red haze of smoke filled the stage and startled gasps tore through the crowd.
    “I am your knight. I am your warrior. I am yours.” Lance’s voice was pure red wine, tempting every woman in the room. He made the words sound intimate but Cindy knew he’d meant them for her. Inwardly, she preened while fishing around for more jellybeans. Realizing she had eaten all her own personal stash and that the bowl on the table was still empty left her edgy.
    “Warlock, save me.”
    The husky, seductive voice came from the stage. Cindy could not believe her eyes. What is this? There on the stage, scantily clad, was a beautiful witch. She had long flaming orange-hued hair, and big breasts filled out the Darklander Zirta -like outfit she’d taken the time to put on. Give me a break. The outfit looked about two sizes too small as the tight, black bustier lifted her breasts up for everyone to see.
    “Hey, who’s she?” asked someone from the crowd.
    Yeah, that’s right, who’s she?
    “She’s my damsel in distress and I will save her from this menace.”
    Cindy truly wished Lance wouldn’t speak. It was night and every cell within his body was overflowing with magic. The rumble of his voice was bespelled to fulfill every woman’s fantasy. For her that meant it left her feeling as if she’d been soaking in a refreshing peppermint bath… tingling her with want, desire and the mad impulse to put an end to his shenanigans on stage. Wait a sec, aren’t I his damsel in distress?
    “Save me, warlock. I will spell you a gift.”
    Shut up! Cindy was getting totally pissed with the other woman’s lovey-dovey-witchy voice. The urge to bolt, flee the crowd or zap the other witch into a toad caused Cindy to crack a smile. She laced her fingers together in a prayer-like pose and channeled her thoughts into her normal business approach.
    I will not give in to the urge to do a casting. I will not be tempted by magic. Reciting her internal prayer allowed her to gather her strength. She desperately needed that when a menacing roar startled everyone in the crowd. A green puff of smoke smelling like a huge pile of manure quickly hit her nose. Cindy knew that smell. Every witch knew the pungent odor of the drákon . It was something all Darklander witches were taught to avoid at all costs.
    No way. That’s impossible. It couldn’t be a drákon . Not a real drákon . That’s just insane.
    Sasha ran through the crowd. Openly, she weaved her wand here and there, casting what looked like safe shields around the patrons, who all looked shell-shocked. And who wouldn’t? There onstage in its spectacular battle armor was what looked like a real drákon . A flash of fire spewed forth from his mouth. The heat of it caused Cindy’s fantasy to explode.
    Standing up, she bellowed out to Sasha, “Hey, is that a real drákon ?”
    All Lance’s sister could do was nod as she ducked a fiery blast the beast directed at her.
    “Save me, warlock. Save me,” whined the pathetic witch now secured to a beam.
    Where did that beam come from? Really, this fantasy come to life has a mind of its own. Cindy felt completely out of sorts.
    Lance however did not look one bit out of his element. He sported a wide, sexy grin. His blue eyes danced with devilment and delight, clearly savoring the challenge of saving the witch-damsel while destroying the drákon . Part of Cindy actually rooted for the drákon to make a meal out of the whiny witch. However, her tactic changed the second the drákon zoned in on her.
    Spellbound, she watched as the large, eight-foot reptilian creature made a lumbering move in her direction. Drákon were slow, but with their unique body armor that had flashy red rubies, green emeralds and shiny diamonds encrusted all over it, and with their ability to spew forth fire, they were truly a force to be

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