Beautiful Lies

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Book: Beautiful Lies by Sharlay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharlay
front of him, my hands resting gently on his shoulders. “Please.” I beg.
    He only nods. I sit down, next to him and watch him.
    “You know most of what happened. The night in the gallery...driving to the store.”
    “Yes, it all goes blank once I cross the road. I remember nothing after that, only waking up in the hospital.”
    “I told you to hurry up in the store, I was eager to get you home and you were smiling at me. You were looking back and smiling at me. You shouldn’t have been looking back but you were because you were looking at me ,” I can hear the guilt in his voice. I take his hand in mine and squeeze it gently. “You were distracted, but I saw the car coming straight at you. It was too late. It all happened so fast. I screamed your name, tried to warn you. You turned away from me to look at the car. You were just frozen, staring at the car and I was screaming at you to move or jump out of the way but I think that you were in shock. Then there was a loud bang. I will never forget that sound. It was like I could hear your bones being crushed. I thought that you were dead. You were just lying on the floor not moving. I searched your body with my eyes for movement but there was nothing. I just kept thinking that you were dead.”
    “But I wasn’t,” I say, smiling.
    “What about the driver?”
    “What about them?” He asks in confusion.
    “Well, what happened after they hit me?”
    He stares at me with a pained expression for several long seconds before taking a long deep breath.
    “I didn’t see them.”
    “I don’t get it. How could you not see them?” I ask in frustration.
    “It was dark, their car windows were tinted and they just drove away.” The memory seems to make him angry.
    “It was a hit and run?” My stomach drops. He hesitates for a moment before clearing his throat.
    “The police never found them?” I ask curiously.
    “You know they didn’t,” he says in frustration.
    “I was unconscious for a month, how am I supposed to know what happened?”
    “They questioned you when you woke up.”
    “Yes and I didn’t remember anything. I was more concerned about getting better.”
    “Well, no, they didn’t...I had nothing to give them and they had nothing to go on. Case closed.” Is that why he looks so guilty? He feels that he is to blame for the police not catching the person.
    “And that’s it?”
    “What exactly was you expecting, some Hollywood movie script?” He answers sarcastically.
    “No, I was just expecting more. I need answers.”
    “Well, now you know that I don’t have them, can we just drop this?” He says rising to his feet.
    “Are you kidding me?”
    “What?” He turns around to stare at me.
    “Did you not hear a word that I said just now? Clarise said that remembering could be my only chance of stopping these dreams.”
    “ Could’s not a guarantee. What if it doesn’t work?”
    “Well I won’t know until I try, will I?”
    “I’m not playing this game.” I’m looking into his eyes but I cannot believe that he is reacting this way.
    “Game? This is my life, Rick! Our life in case you had forgotten, and right now I’m doing everything that I can to fix it!”
    “Ok, so you try to remember...let’s say it works. You remember every tiny detail of that night but the dreams don’t stop. What then? You’re haunted with the images of what happened just like me and where does that leave us, Paige? Tell me! Better off?”
    “I don’t know but at least I’m willing to try! I have to.”
    “Why now? This has been going on for a whole year so what the hell is so different now why you feel the need to try so damn hard!” His words anger me.
    “I’m pregnant!” I scream. I didn’t mean to say it but it just comes out.
    “What?” He asks bewildered.
    I can’t talk for a moment. He is watching me and I feel so bare. I try to gather my thoughts and figure out how to speak again.
    His eyes trail down to

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