OMEGA Guardian

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Book: OMEGA Guardian by Stephen Arseneault Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Arseneault
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
made him highly respected among the station’s citizens. There would be no announcement of the candidacy until I had full confidence that the Governor would not be a problem. Nearly half of the captains who flew transport for the Governor were now under my guidance.
    I was preparing for an inspection run when I received a visit from the Governor’s men. "Mr. Beutcher. My name is Brad Wells. We are here from Governor Marcos’s office. We have a few questions for you."
    I looked over to see Malcom ducking behind his ship with a big grin on his face.
    I replied, "Ask me whatever questions you like, Mr. Wells. I am here in service to the Governor."
    Brad Wells nodded. "It has come to the Governor’s attention that you have been a participant in organizing citizens of some of the lower decks. This has become a concern for the Governor because of complaints he has received. What can you tell me about your efforts?"
    I smiles. "I was involved with a group on my level. I have an apartment there, and it seemed there were a lot of squatters who were causing trouble for the other residents. I just lent the super a hand for a day. I haven’t been involved since that time. Has there been some problem?"
    Brad Wells continued, "That is what we are looking into, Mr. Beutcher. Also, we have received reports that you are targeting ships that have been doing transport jobs for the Governor."
    I replied, "That is true, Mr. Wells. I am new to this sector, and I thought it might do service to the Governor to make sure the captains he was hiring were not getting him into trouble. I have turned in a number of reports on this so far. He should be pleased that there have only been minor infractions."
    The two men looked at me suspiciously. "May we see the balance in your credit store, Mr. Beutcher? There has been an inference that security personnel have been shaking down transports for credits."
    I held out my credit store. "Have a look. It’s kind of embarrassing, it’s all I have."
    The men looked at the credit store balance and smirked. "We have also had a report of a suspicious liaison with a captain who is now in the employ of the Governor. Are you familiar with a Mr. Ded Williams?"
    I replied, "I am. I met him several weeks ago. Through discussion, I found out he was in the market for a ship. I had done a recent inspection and was told of a dealer on Halgon II. I was interested in the process—you know, I might want to own my own ship one day—so I took Mr. Williams out there. I know I used a government vessel, but I did two inspections while out. You can check the reports. Is there a problem with, Mr. Wells?"
    Brad Wells brought up a holo-display on his arm pad. "Nothing that would concern you, Mr. Beutcher. The Governor just likes to be on top of things that are going on here on his station. He has a sworn duty to protect its citizens. As for you, Mr. Beutcher, I don’t think the Governor has any issue with you at this time. We will, however, be watching you closely."
    I smiled and nodded as the two men turned and left.
    I walked over to Malcom’s ship and sat in the new chair he had acquired. "Mr. Barber. You can come out from behind there now. I know it was you who sent word to the Governor that I was trouble. I’ll have to say, it was a nice attempt at having me removed."
    Malcom came around the side of the ship. "Obviously it wasn’t effective. Look, I don’t know what you are up to yet, Beutcher, but I’m going to find out. And when I do, you are going to be moving on from this place."
    I shook my head. "I’m afraid you are wrong, Mr. Barber. I know that you have been shaking down captains for credits, but I have other business to attend to. So, for the time being, I will stay out of your business if you stay out of mine. Keep in mind, though, if the time comes for us to butt heads, I have a much bigger head than you."
    Malcom Barber scowled as he looked down at me. "Get out of my chair!"
    I stood and walked back to the

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