Bearing the Whiteout (Ice Bear Shifters Book 2)

Read Online Bearing the Whiteout (Ice Bear Shifters Book 2) by Sloane Meyers - Free Book Online

Book: Bearing the Whiteout (Ice Bear Shifters Book 2) by Sloane Meyers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sloane Meyers
Tags: Fiction, adventure, Romance, Paranormal, Adult, Erotic, alaska, Shifter, werebear, bear, Mate, home, photographer, Permanent Home, Travels, Vulnerable
sharply as she felt him filling her, pushing against her inner walls. He pressed against her with the most delightful kind of pressure. She slowly rocked her pelvis up and down, up and down. Her juices ran over him, and he moaned and tossed his head from side to side. The pressure inside of her built more and more with each up and down movement of her pelvis. She was lost in the beautiful ecstasy of this moment. Heat filled her body, radiating from between her legs all the way out to her extremities.
    Eric reached up and held her breasts, one in each hand. She moaned as he massaged them, sending burning rays of heat all through her body. Then, in one glorious, blazing moment, she gave in to the forces of sexual pleasure that filled her. The orgasm came in huge, violent waves. It crashed over her again, and again, and again, with no mercy. She gave in to it and screamed out, pushing herself against Eric’s groin, delighting in the feeling of his manhood filling her. Moments later, Eric found his release, and Delaney could feel him filling her with warmth as he pulsed inside of her.
    As the waves slowly subsided, Delaney lay down and gently rolled off of Eric, snuggling herself into the crook of his arm. She had never felt so safe or loved in her life. A warmth filled her from the inside out, and her whole being felt at peace. She had found something she hadn’t even known she’d been looking for. She cuddled further into Eric’s arm and let herself drift to sleep, relishing the feeling of his chest rising and falling next to hers. Life couldn’t get much better than this.

Chapter Eight
    Eric looked over at Delaney sleeping in the crook of his arm, her naked skin pressed against his own naked skin. He pulled a blanket up over them, and smiled as he watched her eyes fluttering beneath her eyelids. She looked peaceful and contented for the first time since the whole getting stranded on the ice fiasco. The wind continued to howl outside, but Eric didn’t worry about it. They were safe in here. And if he was stranded for a few days in here with the most beautiful woman he’d ever met, well, he wasn’t going to complain about that.
    Eric closed his eyes and tried to think of the best way to tell Neal about everything that had happened. Neal would be pretty furious that Eric had revealed so many of the clan’s secrets. It’s very possible Neal would use his impossibly large bear paws to launch a few blows at Eric. But it wasn’t the potential punches that Eric worried about. Eric worried about whether Neal would ultimately accept Delaney into the clan.
    As alpha, Neal had the final say whether anyone, human or bear, could join the clan. Once you were in, you were in for life, and could only be kicked out for high treason. But getting in could be tough. Because of the finality of accepting new members, humans were only admitted if they had agreed to be the life mate of an existing clan member. And even then, the alphas were picky. No one was ever an automatic yes. Eric hoped that Neal would be open to Delaney, if for no other reason than their clan desperately needed to grow. They had been almost completely wiped out by the Blizzard’s poisoning attack.
    But Eric’s first job was to convince Delaney to be his life mate. He had known there was something special about her from the very beginning, and after sleeping with her, he was sure. She was his destiny. He knew he was bonded to her now, and there could never be anyone else for him. This didn’t surprise him. He wouldn’t have slept with her if he didn’t think there was a good chance she was the one. He had hoped she was the one, and now he knew. She was his life mate. He just had to convince her.
    He lay with her for another hour, running over in his head different possibilities of what he could say to her, or to his alpha, to convince them both that Delaney Parker needed to join the Northern Lights Clan. When he felt Delaney stirring in his arms, he decided to

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