Battles Lost and Won

Read Online Battles Lost and Won by Beryl Matthews - Free Book Online

Book: Battles Lost and Won by Beryl Matthews Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beryl Matthews
Tags: General Fiction
and when he’d finished, Alf was nodding his head, pride showing in his eyes. ‘That’s my boy! Thank God he’s all right! I thank you, Captain, for bringing me this good news.’ He hesitated. ‘I don’t suppose he would see me?’
    ‘He doesn’t know I’m here, Mr Hunter, and he’s still carrying a lot of hurt around with him. He’s settling in well, though, so perhaps in time . . .’
    ‘Of course.’ Alf couldn’t hide his disappointment; he was desperate to make things right between them, but it would have to wait. ‘At least I know he’s doing all right.’
    ‘You have a courageous son, Mr Hunter.’ A smile crossed Captain Russell’s face. ‘He wanted the job on my estate very much, but he didn’t hesitate to tell me that I shouldn’t drink so much, even though he was sure I would throw him out.’
    ‘But you didn’t.’
    ‘No, and I haven’t touched a drop of alcohol since that first meeting with your son. To have this young boy telling me not to drink was a shock,’ he told them. ‘It was the expression of pain in his eyes that got to me.’
    ‘You had more sense than me, sir. He felt he had done all he could for me and had to leave. That brought me to my senses. It isn’t easy. Each day is a struggle, but I’ve got a job now, and I’m not going to throw that away by taking another drink.’
    ‘Neither am I.’
    There was a tap on the door and Ruth looked in. ‘Mum said would you like some more tea, and a piece of cake? She’s just taken it out of the oven.’
    ‘That would be excellent. And perhaps you would all join us?’ Captain Russell suggested.
    Ruth smiled. ‘Thank you, sir.’
    ‘The Coopers are a good family,’ the captain remarked.
    ‘The best neighbours a man could have. I wouldn’t have got through the sobering-up without them. Ruth and my boy have been friends since they were born. She adores him, and has always defended him when he’s been in trouble.’ Alf pursed his lips. ‘And that was quite often. He’s always been quick to anger, and outspoken, Captain, and some people don’t like that, but he has a good heart.’
    The door opened and the entire Cooper family came in, all carrying something for their tea.
    John made straight for the captain again. ‘Dad just told us Bob’s with you. Will you tell him to come back because I’ve got a new storybook and it’s ever so hard to read. Dad reads it to me, but he’s not as good as Bob.’
    Everyone laughed.
    ‘Oh, thanks, John,’ Steve said, a broad smile on his face.
    ‘Bob’s always wanted to be a teacher,’ Ruth told the captain as she handed him a piece of freshly baked fruitcake.
    ‘Really? I didn’t know that. And what do you want to do?’
    ‘Er . . . well, I help with the children, but Bob thinks I ought to be a nurse.’
    ‘And what do you think about that idea?’
    She became thoughtful for a moment, and then her smile lit up the room. ‘Well, Bob’s usually right, but I’m not sure.’
    ‘How old are you?’
    ‘Fourteen, sir, but I’ll soon be fifteen.’
    ‘Ah, you are a little young for training at the moment, but you should seriously think about what you want to do.’
    Ruth sighed. ‘Mum said it’s hard for us to get decent jobs because we live in the slums, and people think we’re not worth employing. But we’re not daft, sir. Bob said we are as good as anyone else, and quite capable of doing something with our lives, if we only get the chance.’
    ‘He’s quite right.’ He found himself intrigued by this young girl.
    ‘He’s special, and very clever. What’s he doing at your place?’
    ‘Working with horses, and he’s learning to ride.’
    ‘Have you got a horse big enough for him?’ young Eddie exclaimed.
    ‘Just one.’ Captain Russell told them about Midnight, and had them all roaring with laughter.
    Alf slapped his knee with delight. ‘Oh, this news has made me feel like a new man.’
    They talked until the teapot was empty, and only crumbs of the cake

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