Bag of Blood - Vampire Mystery Romance

Read Online Bag of Blood - Vampire Mystery Romance by J.O. Osbourne - Free Book Online

Book: Bag of Blood - Vampire Mystery Romance by J.O. Osbourne Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.O. Osbourne
pocket. At least he doesn't chug it in front of me. "And I just wanted to see you."
    Feeling something warm flutter its tiny wings in her chest, tickling her heart, Lena tried to squash it. Friends, remember? She demanded herself. Don't make this weird.
    "Well, here I am!" she laughed uncomfortably, and he smiled, cheeks dimpling, before quickly slapping a hand over his mouth.
    "Sorry! I know the fangs creep people out," he mumbled through his fingers. "Can't help it, though…"
    Lena rolled her eyes. "Oh, please; I've been giving people my blood since I was thirteen. It's not like I've never seen a fang before."
    "Well, in that case," Elliot removed his hand, bearing them in a fake snarl. Lena couldn't quell the small giggle, and inwardly smacking herself on the back of the head. Did you just giggle? Dear God . Give yourself an inch and admit to friendship and you turn into a fluffy cheerleader. Stop taking the mile.
    "Well, it's time for class," she told him, not wanting to let any other fuzz-brained girliness slip out. "I need to go finish my pajamas."
    "Lucky you," he grunted. "I have to go watch a video on animal parasites in agriculture. Oh, the irony."
    As Lena waved and stepped into her classroom, she couldn't quell the giant smile that made her cheeks ache.

Chapter Nine
    At six in the evening, it was already dark outside, the sky a mysterious navy blue. Stars sparkled from their positions, but not too many; the city lights prevented the majority from being seen. Breath puffing in the cold wind, Lena hustled from Robert's car to the thickly wooded door of Megan's house, her hood pulled tight over her ears.
    Lena hammered tightly on the door with her fist (having pulled a fuzzy sock over her hand because she didn't have any gloves that fit, the pounding was muted somewhat.) After many long moments of shifting from foot to foot on the worn welcome doormat, the door finally flew open.
    "Hi!" a cheerful Megan greeted. She was wearing dark sweatpants and a long-sleeved white turtleneck, and she currently had a miniature clone of herself clinging to her back.
    "Hi Megan, hi Sarah," Lena greeted. The moppet piggybacking on her older sister glared, sticking her tongue out. "I'm not Sarah , I'm Georgia!" the child complained.
    "Whatever, let me in before my toes fall off!" Lena insisted. "It's cold!"
    Megan laughed. "Ok, ok!" she waved in the general direction of the Chevy, and Robert shut it off, shuffling into Megan's house.
    "Did you make Lena brave the cold all by herself so that you could stay in the warm truck?" Megan scolded Robert. "Bad giant!"
    Georgia squealed at the sight of her idol, holding her arms out and nearly falling off Megan's back. Robert caught her in his huge hands, swinging the five-year-old up and over his shoulders until she gripped his hair, her bare feet dangling onto his chest. She laughed.
    "Don't drop her!" Megan insisted sternly, "and don't let her head hit the ceiling or doorways again. I don't get paid by my parents if any of the kids need stitches."
    Georgia's twin scampered towards them as her sister shut the door, inviting her friends into the house. "Hold me, too! Hold me, too!" Sarah squealed, jumping up and down with her arms extended. Robert laughed as he hoisted the girl up into his arms, carrying her princess- style while clinging onto one of Georgia's skinny ankles, not letting her fall off his neck.
    "Where's Peter?" Lena asked, looking around for Megan's brother.
    "He's sleeping over at its friend's house. Tonight it's just the twins and Jared."
    A loud barking started up, a white fuzzy blur skittering across the floor to launch itself at Lena's feet.
    "Biscuit!" Lena grinned. She lifted the Maltese underneath her arm, where he wagged his tail into her armpit. She couldn't help but giggle at his fluffy tickling, and his tiny tongue shot out to kiss her face rapidly.
    Megan's parents had gone on a trip to a romantic mountain lodge for their anniversary, leaving Megan to babysit over

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