Backstage Dirty (The Savage Light Rockers #1)

Read Online Backstage Dirty (The Savage Light Rockers #1) by Jenika Snow - Free Book Online

Book: Backstage Dirty (The Savage Light Rockers #1) by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
her throat, and she let her head fall back against the wall, hearing it thump from the contact. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to jerk off thinking about you, remembering your smell because I had gotten myself so worked up my fucking balls ached.”
    She breathed out his name, because that was as far as her voice would travel.
    “Tell me, Tanner. Tell me what you want.” He pressed his erection into her belly, and she moaned low in her throat. God, she wanted this so bad.
    “I want you inside of me.” She swore she felt his cock jerk behind his pants. It seemed they wouldn’t be making it into the bedroom, because in the next few seconds Jacks was tearing his shirt off, and going for the button and fly of his jeans. Once he had his pants off, she took in the sight of him in only his boxer briefs. Yeah, he had so been working out, and exercise had done him good. Real good . His black hair was more disheveled from her running her fingers through it, and his blue eyes were still half-lidded. But it was his body that had her transfixed at the moment. All Tanner could do was stare at the hard outlines of his muscles, at the way his shoulders were so broad, at how his pecs were so defined, and how his abdomen was rippled from his six-pack and framed by that V of muscle. And then there was his hard, bulging biceps, ones that were covered in colorful ink. So much color and so many designs on his arms, chest, and even at the base of his neck. “You have been working out.” She breathed out again.
    “ Working out seemed like a better alternative than getting mixed up in the drugs that are always around.”
    She swallowed the hard lump in her throat. He had said those words low, and although they were clearly serious, he looked the epitome of controlled and healthy now. There was so much she wanted to know about him, the good, the bad … everything.
    “ Everything was right there for my taking. The drugs, the booze, and the easy pussy.”
    She didn’t know why he was saying these things right now, maybe as shock value, or maybe to try to get her to stop this. Or maybe he just wanted her to know everything about him, everything that she had missed all this time? But she wasn’t shocked, and wasn’t going to think about their pasts, not in that regard at least, and not when they were locked in this moment right now. Tanner had been with two other guys since leaving for college, but they hadn’t compared to what she shared with Jacks that night.
    He took a step closer to her , and she lowered her gaze to his erection that was only held in place by the thin layer of dark material of his underwear. “I gorged myself in everything that was thrust in my face, but amidst all of that, I still though about you, only you.” He didn’t move to touch her, but it felt like his gaze was his hands and running up and down her body. “I still wished I had you, and that you were the one that was right beside me through this fucked up world.” He was close enough that when he finally reached out and gripped the back of her neck, pulling her closer, he didn’t have to lean in to kiss her. But that soft, slow kiss started to became frantic, hard, and almost violent in its eroticism.
    He had his hands on her breasts, clenching and unclenching the mounds through the material of her bra, and in the next instant he had that article of clothing pulled from her body. She felt the tug of the elastic and underwire on her flesh as he ripped it from her, and heard the sound of fabric rending. Her jeans and panties were next to go, as was his underwear, and then they were pressed together naked, his cock hard on her belly, and the tip slickened with his pre-cum. His hands on her breast were almost painful as he squeezed and released her flesh, and then he slid those hands down her sides, moved one of them to cup her ass, and had the other one right over her pussy. A gasp left her when he speared his fingers through her soaked folds,

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