Baby, Don't Go (Yeah, Baby Book 3)
wrapping the test in a washcloth, before he picked me up and carried me back to bed. Laying me gently down on the mattress, he quickly followed and looked at me with boyish delight in his eyes. “Is it time yet?”
    “Not yet,” I giggled. “You have to wait a couple more minutes.”
    “I guess I’d better find a way to pass the time,” he murmured against my mouth, claiming them in a quick but deep kiss before trailing his lips lower. Along my jaw, down my neck, teasing the sides of my tits. He made it to my belly before he spoke again, whispering softly, “I think it’s time to prove to your mommy that you’re in there.”
    My breath caught in my throat at the sight of his dark head against my pale skin. “Please, please, please,” I chanted as he reached for the washcloth and carefully lifted a corner to peek inside. The blinding smile which spread across his face gave me my answer before he could show me the test. It was positive. It had to be. I leaned over, bumping his shoulder to make room for me, and looked down at the digital screen.
    “We’re pregnant.”
    “Damn straight you are,” he confirmed, tossing the stick and washcloth to the floor and diving on top of me. “And now we need to celebrate.”
    If I’d been wearing them, my panties would have melted at his happiness. “How exactly do you plan to celebrate this news when you need to be at the hospital soon?”
    His smile turned into a sly grin. “I’ve got an hour.”
    My head swiveled so I could peer at the clock on the bedside table. “No, you don’t. You need to leave in like ten minutes.”
    “I set the clock ahead before I woke you up,” he informed me, tugging my shirt over my head. “I wanted to make sure we had enough time to celebrate before I had to go.”
    “You were that confident?”
    He tore his shirt off and shoved his boxers down his legs. “There wasn’t a doubt in my mind, Ellie.”
    “How about you show me how you planned to spend that hour?”
    He dropped a quick kiss to my belly and then settled in between my legs. “You’re so fucking beautiful, baby,” he murmured against the sensitive skin of my inner thigh. His breath was hot against my naked flesh as his tongue flicked out for a quick lick. “And I’m addicted to the taste of your honey.”
    That’s all it took for me to suddenly be on the edge of a climax. He’d barely touched me, but that didn’t stop my walls from clenching against his tongue when he slid it inside my pussy. His finger circled my clit, and I felt myself lose control. He moaned against my pussy, and vibrations were enough to send me flying over the edge. My legs shook as they tightened around his head while I came.
    “I’ll never grow tired of hearing your cries while I eat your pussy,” he growled before he levered up onto his knees and pulled my hips until I shifted lower on the bed. Then he impaled me with one hard thrust. “But there’s nothing better than the feeling of your wet pussy wrapped tightly around my cock, knowing my baby is growing inside your belly.”
    He began moving hard and fast, going deep with each powerful thrust but holding my hips gently all the while. Over and over again, with his eyes locked on mine the whole time. Sex with Jack had always been amazing, from the very first time, but this time was different. Better. More. His ring was on my finger, and I was pregnant with his baby. His eyes were filled with lust, but it was tempered by love. So much love.
    His strokes triggered a tingling in my spine, making my toes clench against the sheets. Then it hit me, a climax bigger than I’d ever felt before, making me scream his name until my voice was hoarse. He kept going, hammering into me until I’d come again and my legs felt like jelly. When I didn’t think I could take any more, he planted himself deep one more time and groaned. His cock jerked, and the heat from his semen sparked another orgasm for me.
    “You were made for me,” he

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