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Book: B00528UTDS EBOK by Lorraine Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorraine Kennedy
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of him, the passage took a sharp curve to the left. Flickering light pierced the heavy darkness, it was the only light that Alec had seen since entering the passageway. Staying close to the rock wall, Alec moved cautiously toward the light. When he reached the area where the tunnel curved, he peeked around the wall. The light was coming from torches that stood on each side of a large doorway.
    He moved quickly to the door. Keeping close to the wall, Alec peered inside. It appeared to be some type of chamber. Unlike the rest of the subterranean rooms, the walls in this chamber were smooth, and adorned with strange symbols painted in metallic gold. Two more torches illuminated another doorway at the far end of the chamber.
    Entering cautiously, he moved toward the second doorway. Unlike the first chamber, a metal door blocked his entrance to whatever lay beyond. Alec pulled on the handle and the door opened easily. Behind the door was another tunnel, this one descending deeper into the earth.
    Alec stepped into the darkness, but froze when her heard the deep laughter behind him. He looked back to see Luciano watching him, a look of amusement on his face.
    “It has been a long time since you tried to infiltrate my home. Whatever it is that you are looking for, you won’t find it in that tunnel.”
    Alec turned to face Luciano. “Where does the passage go?”
    Luciano scrutinized him, his black eyes stabbing painfully into Alec’s brain. Being in the ancient vampire’s presence was so overwhelming that it was like being in the throes of death - blissful but painful. The vampire’s long black hair was immaculately kept, and his soft features were too perfect to ever have been human. But his perfection was marred by the darkness that ate at his soul.
    “It leads nowhere, at least for you,” Luciano told him.
    “What is it that you are hiding down there Luciano?” Alec asked him. He was already in danger, pushing for an answer was not likely to cause him any further peril.
    Again Alec felt shattering pain behind his eyes, as Luciano probed his mind. It lasted only a few seconds, before he heard the vampire’s voice break through the agony in his head.
    “What you seek is not down there.” Luciano stepped closer and leaned down to whisper in Alec’s ear. “The Book of Anu is not here, it is not even in Romania.”
    “If it is not down there, what is it that is at the end of these passages?” Alec questioned him, no longer caring what it might cost him.
    “You will live an eternity Alec, and still it will not be long enough for you to discover what is at the end of that passageway.” Luciano taunted.
    “What do you plan to do with me?” Alec got straight to the point. He had no intention of playing a game of words with Luciano.
    Luciano smiled. “Alec, you place far too much importance on yourself. I would not have even interrupted your invasion of my home, if not for the fact that I find you amusing … a break from the monotony.”
    “Where can I find the book Luciano? The rule of the ancients is coming to an end. The Light Seeker movement will spread, and then there will be trouble for all of you.”
    Luciano waved his hand, indicating that Alec’s words were of no consequence. “You must have a desire to rule before the threat of the Light Seekers is relevant. It may matter to Omar, but I do not care to have power over others. I want only to be left alone.”
    Alec shook his head. “Why?”
    Luciano’s dark eyes became like stones. “When and if you ever find the Book of Anu, you will find out why ruling over the mutant vampires means little to me.”
    “Where do I find this book?” Alec decided to push his advantage. At least Luciano was talking, and that was further than he’d ever gotten with the vampire before.
    The hardness left the vampire’s eyes to be replaced by humor. “You are on a fool’s mission Alec,” Luciano smiled. “But if you insist on finding those elusive answers that you

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