Read Online B00528UTDS EBOK by Lorraine Kennedy - Free Book Online

Book: B00528UTDS EBOK by Lorraine Kennedy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorraine Kennedy
her stomach, and she wiggled beneath him, so that she could feel him better. Her actions fanned the flames of his hunger, and he pulled away from her. Throwing his head back, he roared in frustration. He swiftly got to his feet, as if her nearness was too unbearable to endure any longer.
    “Cover yourself,” he told her, his voice so low that she had to strain to hear him.
    Pulling her shirt down, Sarah stood up. “Why do you keep pushing me away? I can tell that you want it too.”
    “Yes, I want you,” he admitted. “I want you so much that I could easily lose control and take your life, or turn you.”
    “You are angry because you couldn’t scare me like you were trying to do,” Sarah accused.
    Darrien shook his head. “Sarah … your hunger will control you one day, if you do not take control of it now. If you were someone else, this would have frightened you, but it only made your craving worse.”
    Sarah stepped closer and rested her hand on his arm. “I don’t want you to go away.”
    Darrien glanced at her. “I can’t be close to you … and not touch you.”
    “I want you to,” she insisted.
    He shook his head. “I can’t.”
    “I am not that person. I am not Caroline,” Sarah told him angrily.
    “Go to your coven Sarah and ask for their protection. I cannot protect you, not even from me.” Darrien took her hand in his and started walking back to the house.
    “Where will you go?” she asked.
    “It doesn’t matter. One place is the same as the next for me.”
    Sarah stopped suddenly. “You still haven’t told me anything about who you are, just your name.”
    He stared at her, his dark eyes reflecting the silver moonlight. She wanted so badly to reach out and touch him, but she feared his rejection. It was far more painful than when his teeth punctured her flesh.
    “I am death. That’s all you need to know about me,” he told her before turning away and starting up the path to her aunt’s house.
    “But what if I remember … from that other life. What if I come looking for you?” she was desperate to get anything from him that would help her find him again.
    “You don’t know how badly I want you to remember me, but perhaps it is best that you don’t.”
    They had reached the front porch and he dropped her hand. Darrien leaned down and brushed her lips with his. “Stay out of the dark,” he told her. “And be careful who you trust.”
    A lump formed in her throat as she watched him retreat into the darkness. Sarah felt anger mixed with her sadness.

Chapter Six
    Peering through the thick darkness, Alec made his way along the passages beneath Castle Arges. All that could be heard was a slow - steady dripping of water, the result of condensation on the rock walls. Originally, the hidden passages beneath the castle had been used as an escape route. Just incase the family in residence should come under attack. The passages connected to different areas of the castle, and to tunnels that led to the village at the bottom of the cliff. This was common knowledge, but Alec discovered there were also hidden passages.
    Luciano had occupied the castle for the past two centuries. He rarely left the safety of his haven, and shunned all that sought an audience with him, even the ancients. Secrecy among the oldest vampires was not unusual, but Luciano took it far beyond the norm. But considering his reputation, it was no small wonder that he kept to himself. It was a widespread theory among vampires and slayers, that if you could destroy Luciano, you would break the curse of the immortal, but Alec wasn’t convinced.
    The passages beneath the castle seemed to go on forever. Alec had no idea where he would find the Book of Anu. If the manuscript was in the castle, it was hidden well. Donavan had hinted to a relic that was held in Luciano’s possession. The manuscript was the most legendary of the vampire relics, so it had to be what Luciano was hiding.
    About a hundred feet ahead

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