Ashes to Dust (Las Vegas Mystery)

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Book: Ashes to Dust (Las Vegas Mystery) by Rex Kusler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rex Kusler
believe, considering your heritage,” he said.
    “I’m not from the South,” she said. “I’m a Yankee.”
    “I thought collard greens were a universal staple of your people.” He put the forkful of green beans into his mouth and munched thoughtfully on them.
    “I was never made aware of that,” Alice said. “And you may have noticed I’m not that partial to fried chicken, ribs, or watermelon either.”
    He pointed his fork at her. “Now that’s downright un-American.”
    Alice impaled a small piece of turkey with her fork and aimed it toward her mouth. “I like hot dogs, burgers, and pizza. I also like lutefisk. Isn’t that considered a traditional favorite of your people?”
    Snow wrinkled his nose. “That stuff is terrible. I was forced to eat it nearly every Sunday when I was growing up. My mother’s parents loved it. Every time we went to visit them, they’d make it. It was like mush.”
    “I adore it,” Alice said. “But you have to prepare it properly. I’ll have you over for dinner one night and make it for you. I think you’ll like my version of it.”
    He shook his head. “I doubt it, but I’ll give it a try. I like to keep an open mind. If it isn’t any good, we can always order a pizza.”
    Alice giggled. “You really know how to please a woman.”
    From his front jeans pocket, Snow’s phone chirped. He set his fork on his plate, pulled the phone out, and flipped it open. He looked at the display and muttered, “This guy always calls when we’re eating.”
    He put the phone to his ear. “Jack, what’s up?”
    “Just checking in,” Jack said.
    “Okay,” Snow said. “Thanks for calling.”
    “Not yet,” Snow said. “We’ll be in touch.” He snapped the phone shut and put it in his pocket.
    “You don’t think that was a little bit rude?” Alice asked.
    Snow took a sip from his glass of lemonade and set it back down.
    Before he could comment, the phone in Alice’s purse began to ring.
    Arching his eyebrows, Snow said, “Now you get your chance.”
    “It’s not him,” she said, reaching into her purse. “It’s probably a prospective client. Think positive.”
    She checked the number, pressed the talk button, and placed the phone next to her ear. Smiling, she tilted her head and chimed, “Hello, Jack. How are you today?” She looked at Snow, rolling her eyes. “Actually, I’m sitting here with Jim as we speak, so I can’t tell you anything more than he did, okay?…I know…I know…Sometimes we do split up if we have a lot of ground to cover…” She rolled her eyes again. “Okay, Jack. You have a good day. Try not to worry. I know this is tough for you, but try to occupy your mind with a pleasant distraction for a while if you can. Maybe see a movie or something…Okay, sure…You’re welcome…Bye-bye.” She disconnected the call.
    “If you expect me to start talking to him like that,” Snow muttered, “I’ll have to start wearing pink underwear.”
    She dropped the phone into her purse and resumed eating. “I can’t believe he called both of us.”
    “He likes to cover all of his bases—limited as they may be.”
    “Anyway,” Alice said, “back to my original question…”
    Snow ate some more green beans, thinking. Finally, he said, “I don’t know. Obviously we have to continue on with the Tyson Dole angle. We can’t eliminate him. After lunch, we talk to the dentist, see where that takes us. After we finish with him, we could talk to Dole’s neighbors, see if any of them saw him coming or going Tuesday night. What do you think?”
    Alice nodded. “Sounds good.”
    Snow put his fork down and crossed his arms. “You know what I was thinking, Alice?”
    “What’s that?”
    “I think you should take the initiative. Make the first move.”
    She screwed up her face. “With Tyson Dole?”
    “No. Your father. Leon Stapper. Call him and invite him out for a weekend. Tell him you’d like him to stay at your home so the two

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