Arielle Immortal Awakening

Read Online Arielle Immortal Awakening by Lilian Roberts - Free Book Online

Book: Arielle Immortal Awakening by Lilian Roberts Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lilian Roberts
studies, their general routines, and pleasure that consumed their lives.
    Arielle knew that trust had always been the foundation of the friendship between the three of them. She was now at a point in her life that she had thoughts and desires that she could no longer share with her parents. She loved them dearly, but she felt some things had to be kept as a secret which she either held for herself or shared with Gabrielle and Eva. So they became the sharers and keepers of all her secrets and she became the keeper of theirs. She was sure that she could trust Gabrielle and Eva with her life, and that they would never violate that trust.
    Around the middle of the first semester of their third year, Gabby told them that she had met a guy named Marcus in one of her classes, and that she liked him a lot. She had gone out on a few dates with him, and now she wanted Eva and Arielle to meet him. She seemed to be quite taken by him and his charming ways.
    So a couple of weeks later they agreed to go out together, along with Paul and Damien. They arranged to all meet at the girls’ flat first.
    When Marcus walked in the door, Arielle’s lungs seized as their eyes engaged for a split second. Marcus was amazingly good looking; very tall, with perfect features and a great build. He was dressed all in black, making him look very mysterious. His hair was very dark, almost black, and so were his eyes. As he entered the flat he smiled at Gabrielle, took her in his arms and kissed her passionately. After enjoying the kiss, Gabrielle introduced him to the guys first, and then she brought him over to meet Eva and Arielle.
    “Arielle, Eva, this is Marcus,” she said. Though she tried, she couldn’t really hide the excitement in her voice.
    “Hello,” he said, holding out his hand for a shake. His voice was very soft. “I’ve been looking forward to tonight. Gabrielle talks about you all the time. I’m so glad to meet you.”
    His smile was captivating, but there was something a little bit eerie about him. He didn’t belong to that special group of people in Arielle’s head, so she couldn’t hear his thoughts. However, when his hand touched hers, a very uneasy feeling ran through her body, making her shiver and her face cringe. His gaze was intense and short but in that fragment of time his eyes reflected only emptiness, as if she were looking into a hollow space. When Arielle gazed back at him, she felt like she was being drawn into a black hole. How strange , she thought.
    He didn’t pay attention to her reaction as he moved over to shake Eva’s hand with a wide smile on his beautiful face. Arielle turned to watch Eva’s reaction, and as his hand touched hers a troubled look stretched across Eva’s face, too, and her eyes narrowed, showing nervousness. He clearly noticed Eva’s reaction, and as he pulled his hand away he winced at her startled look. For a very short time he seemed to be searching for the proper thing to say, but soon he gave up and walked away with an edgy smile on his face. He moved to where the guys were standing, and got into a conversation with Damien.
    “So? What do you think?” Gabrielle asked.
    Eva and Arielle exchanged a look. Then, forcing enthusiasm, they told Gabby that he was very nice looking. She seemed pleased with their remarks. She walked over to stand next to Marcus and slipped her hand in his.
    “There’s something very peculiar about that guy,” Arielle whispered to Eva.
    “What is it? I can’t say exactly what bothers me, but I just don’t feel good about him.”
    Eva looked relieved that Arielle was expressing the same fear and hesitation that she felt. “I know just what you mean,” she said.
    “But we can’t let Gabrielle know,” Arielle said. “At least not unless we can figure out what it is that’s bothering us.”
    Despite this rather unsettling beginning, the night was fun, and the film was great. Paul suggested that they stop at the pub for a while, and that is where

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