Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 2): February

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Book: Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 2): February by Dave Rowlands Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dave Rowlands
Tags: Zombies
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relatively easy, but we also needed to kill as many as we could manage, and Firecracker suggested one or two of us at least make for the ledge again, either to whittle down the Dead from their flank as well, or to provide a well-needed leg up for the two approaching groups.
    Junior and I volunteered for the ledge run, Redbeard insisting on joining us, while the rest began gunning down the Dead at the fore.  Junior asked, after we had gotten past the few Dead barring our passage to the way up, when we were going to Melbourne to look for Coppers family.  I replied that, if he wanted, we could leave tomorrow, and his face brightened.  He told me that Pilot had offered to drop him and any other volunteers for the task at a safe looking place to the east, a farm it had looked to have once been, that they had spotted while searching.  It would take two days of flight time to get there, apparently, but would shave about a week at least off our travel time to Melbourne.  Junior also mentioned that there had been a garage there, though he hadn't ventured inside, but with luck we might find a workable vehicle.
    Once we reached the widest part of the ledge, where we could comfortably stand without threat of being grabbed by the Dead, we looked around.  Dead aplenty milled around the roadway, though far less dense than they had been when we rescued Firecracker's group.  Most of them were oblivious to the fresh meat near them, but a couple were getting the idea.  Gunfire stuttered in the distance as The Colonel and her group cleaned up their end of the road.  Redbeard pulled the pins from several grenades in rapid succession, launching them into the larger groups of Dead, which promptly exploded into tiny little bits of disgustingness.
    Junior and I launched ourselves into the pack, slicing apart and bashing heads into pulpy messes of blackened goo, while Redbeard covered us with his .45s.  Before long the immediate area was totally clear, with those Dead behind us staggering into the wall of gunfire coming from The Colonels squad, and those ahead trying to work out which meal to try for.  Redbeard joined us among the dead, jumping down lightly for such a large man.  The plan was to hold this point until The Colonel reached us, then back to base, hopefully in time for lunch.  Sure enough, the gunfire drew nearer, stopping long before they reached us, except for the occasional burst if something twitched when it shouldn't be.
    Firecracker had her miners clearing the dead Dead from the road, piling them up ready for burning, while the rest of us ate.  I told Apocalypse Girl of our plan to leave for Melbourne in the morning, and she immediately signed on for the journey.  I had half hoped she would remain behind while her arm healed, but was also relieved that she was joining us.  I felt far more secure with her watching my back than anybody else, even Junior.  Travelling several hundred kilometres with a person through an apocalypse filled with shambling Dead trying to eat you at every turn and even other Living attempting to fuck you up was actually really good for engendering trust.  I highly recommend it, apart from the nearly dying so often parts, and all the other unpleasantness.
    The Twin elected to stay behind, as The Colonel had asked her to help out forming a kind of militia force from among the ranks of the newly arriving groups.  They would get here about noon tomorrow, Smart Guy estimated, provided we continue clearing the road.  Several hundred more Dead were closing in on our position from behind the new groups, but they would be days arriving.  Redbeard, once he found out more about the nature of the mission, signed on as well.  Pilot would drop us off, then get back to hunting for survivors.
    Back at the gate, the Dead pyres burned merrily, though the stench was highly offensive.  More Dead had wandered

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