Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 2): February

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Book: Anno Zombus Year 1 (Book 2): February by Dave Rowlands Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dave Rowlands
Tags: Zombies
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and I jumped out of the chopper, running up to the trio, to discover that they were sitting around a campfire boiling what appeared to be some stew.  It smelled terrible, though, but I suppose I was more used to finer cuisine than that which you find on the road these days.
    “Welcome, strangers,”  The leader of the three, a big, burly, bearded, bear of a man with a voice to match greeted us.  Something tickled in the back of my mind, something was not right here.  I could tell The Colonel sensed it as well.  “Sit with us, have some stew!”
    We sat with them, across the fire from them, both of us keeping our hands near our weapons.  We declined food, as we had eaten not long before we had left, though I had been starting to grow hungry in the chopper.  My appetite had swiftly fled once I had smelled their cooking, however.  I suddenly hoped I never found out what exactly was in that stew.
    “Have any of you three been bitten, at all?”  The Colonel asked bluntly. The three looked around at each other and burst out laughing.  I softly told The Colonel that I really did not trust these people, saw her nod slightly in reply.
    “Bitten?  Bitten?!? ”  The gales of laughter returned.  “We don't get bit by them, we do the biting! ”  Bear pointed out the butchered Dead lying a few metres away.  “They don't taste half as bad as they smell, do they boys?”  The other two men snorted in tandem.
    “You've been eating the Dead?!? ”  The Colonel gasped, and the laughter grew stronger.  “ You sick FUCKERS!!!!! ”  She pulled her gun and, three bullets later, we headed back to the helicopter, and home.
    Pilot flew us back to The Think Tank using a roundabout route that took us nowhere near either of the other two groups, in case the Dead still followed us.  Nobody spoke, even when The Smart Couple tried squawking at us.  Pilot hadn't heard or seen anything other than The Colonel stand up and execute three men, but was smart enough to know that he'd find out later.  As it was, all I wanted to do was throw up.
    When we returned to The Think Tank, Smart Girl was waiting to accost us at the helipad.  She asked what had happened, and I just walked past her as The Colonel, loudly and with many an epithet, told her all about the Dead-eaters.
    Not wanting anything to do with food, myself, I went straight to my room, and other than writing this, to bed.  I hope to hell I can sleep tonight...

February 13th Year 1 A.Z.
    Though the flames that had been guiding them had died down, the two remaining groups of survivors continued their approach.  They met up with one another, the two groups converging at a point barely two kilometres from the foot of the roadway leading up to The Think Tank.  The thermal imaging showed them facing each other, weapons at the ready.  A group of Dead, perhaps twenty strong, shambled seemingly out of nowhere to attack the parleying groups.  Quick to respond to any threats, they made short work of the Dead, then moved away from the corpses, seeming as though they were coming together as one larger group, yet looking carefully at the images, you could see clearly that the two groups were still separate from each other.
    The snow had fallen heavy overnight, we discovered as we went topside to finish clearing the road of Dead, rendering movement difficult and slow, though it had ceased falling shortly after what passed for sunrise these days.  The Colonel estimated the new people would probably arrive late in the evening, or maybe at the latest tomorrow.  The satellites above showed that the road was less choked by Dead than it had been, thanks to our efforts, though they had spread out more along the length of the whole road.  This meant we both needed to distract and bait them into attacking the compound yet again, this would be

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