Ancient Forces Collection

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Book: Ancient Forces Collection by Bill Myers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bill Myers
Tags: Ebook, book
even and controlled it sounded. “No. That’s not all that this is about.”
    “Beck . . . ,” Scott warned.
    But she had already started, and there was no backing down. “It’s about truth. Spiritual truth. And that is the same for everyone.”
    Dark Bear glared at her. “You risk much, girl . . . This is not your fight.”
    Becka was breathing harder now, but she forced herself to continue, trying to stay collected and calm. “Listen, Mr . . . Dark Bear. Why don’t you come to Swift Arrow’s council tonight? Not to fight, but just to listen to what he says. Later, after you’ve heard Swift Arrow’s side, maybe you can decide what’s really right for your people to believe.”
    She waited for an answer as Dark Bear’s eyes shifted from her to Scott. She wasn’t sure what he was looking at . . . until she heard the choking sounds.
    She turned to see Scott holding his throat with both hands. He was gasping for breath.
    “Scott!” she cried. “Scotty, what’s wrong?”
    But Scott couldn’t answer. All he could do was gasp, pointing to his throat, trying to catch his breath.
    Becka spun back to Dark Bear. She’d seen this before in past encounters. And she knew the solution. The shaman’s gaze was fierce, intimidating, but she knew who had the real authority. “Release him!” she ordered.
    Dark Bear glared at her, but she would not back down. “In the name and power of the Lord Jesus Christ, I command you to release him.”
    At first Dark Bear smiled, but then, as Becka stood her ground, he realized she meant business. Slowly his smile faded.
    Scott coughed loudly and started breathing, dragging in deep gulps of air. Becka glanced at him. She knew the choking was a tactic to try to scare them. But she also knew that, because they were committed believers in Christ, Dark Bear had no real power over them. These were just more “special effects” in an attempt to frighten them. And they weren’t going to work.
    Becka smiled at Scott, and he nodded. They turned to face Dark Bear, to continue the encounter . . . but the medicine man had disappeared.

    Ryan and Little Creek sat cross-legged in the coolness of the cave. Little Creek had lit a small lantern, and the light hit the wall. Immediately, the painting of the great warrior hunting the buffalo appeared in the light. Ryan stared intently at the warrior’s face. Was Dark Bear really a direct descendant of this brave as he’d claimed?
    Ryan’s thoughts were interrupted as Little Creek took a small flask from his shirt pocket. “It’s the tea I told you about,” Little Creek said, smiling.
    “Tea?” Ryan repeated.
    “Yes, remember? I said it will help you better hear the call of the Great Spirit.” He leaned toward Ryan and held the flask out.
    Ryan hesitated.
    “Don’t worry. There is only a small amount of the red berries in this mixture.”
    “Red berries?” Ryan asked, staring at the flask.
    “Yes. It is berries that give the tea its hallucinogenic powers. I just put a little bit in because this is your first time. It won’t hurt you, honest.”
    Again Little Creek held it out to him, and again Ryan hesitated.
    “It’s okay. I promise. You’re a spiritual person, Ryan. It will be easy for you to contact the Great Spirit, but you must do so with the tea.”
    The little tug hit Ryan again, telling him it was wrong, to be careful . . . But weren’t they all talking about the same God, the one and only Great Spirit? And if this were really a way to connect with God, if he could combine the best of both worlds — his Christian faith and this spiritual ritual with the tea — then what was the harm?
    Little Creek continued holding the flask out to him. “If you really want to understand our ways, this is the fastest and easiest method. Please, it is okay. I promise.”
    Ryan watched as his hand reached out to take the flask. It was almost like watching someone else. Then he raised it to his lips. He hesitated and looked at Little Creek

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