An American Submissive in Britain

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Book: An American Submissive in Britain by Laney Rogers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laney Rogers
Tags: BDSM Erotic Romance
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diffusing tone, “I’ll get a couple of glasses of wine, and the two of you can get to know each other a little better.”
    Gina glared at her new half-sister. “I think she’s had more than enough already. Why don’t you just go on home, Laura, and sleep it off.”
    Gina knew the dripping sarcasm wasn’t going to help matters, but at that moment, she didn’t care. She had been so apprehensive about meeting her relations. She had never expected this. It was just such a letdown; how was she ever going to pluck up the courage to meet the rest of them?
    “Why don’t you just fuck off back to America!” Laura lunged forward, apparently determined to remove Gina from the pub herself. She tried to drag Gina toward the door.
    It all happened in what seemed like a split second. As the two of them grappled with each other, arms flying this way and that, Becky was sent lurching sideways, the tray of plates and glasses slipping from her hands and hitting the floor with a thunderous crash, glass and china smashing everywhere. The remaining patrons let out several gasps of shock as Gina and Laura came to an abrupt halt, both of them seemingly frozen to the spot, each still grabbing the other’s clothes.
    The side door flew open, and Guy and Andy appeared, each man taking in the scene in front of them.
    Andy was the first to move. He walked calmly over to Becky, took her hand and led her over to the bar, helping her onto a barstool. After instructing her to stay put, he crossed the room and spoke quietly to the two sets of guests. Gina watched him help the women on with their coats and see all of them out of the pub.
    Gina’s heart sank as she saw him lock the main doors and then return to stand next to Becky. Why couldn’t she have kept her temper and just walked away. Her mother was always telling her to keep her calm and not be so impulsive. God, her mom would be horrified if she could see her daughter now.
    She jumped as Guy’s voice filled the room.
    “Laura, go and sit down, over by the fire. A cab is going to be called for you, and you’re going to go straight home. Do you understand?”
    Laura, her hands now back by her sides, stared at Guy defiantly. “Don’t presume to boss me around, Guy Anderson. This has nothing to do with—”
    “SIT DOWN!” His anger seemed to resonate from his whole body.
    Laura pouted, and then flounced over to the table nearest to the fire.
    “Andy, could you call a cab for Laura while I talk to Gina?”
    Andy nodded and reached into his pocket for his cell.
    Guy walked over to Gina, and her stomach flipped, not in a good way. Jesus, could she actually have blown everything this quickly? Maybe he would understand when she explained how Laura had behaved and what she’d said.
    One look at Guy’s face told her it was not going to be that easy.
    “Come with me, Gina.”
    It was definitely not a friendly request, and she wanted to comply, but her feet seemed rooted to the spot.
    “Would you prefer we dealt with this here?” He gestured around the room, taking in the others at the bar and Laura staring sulkily into the flames.
    Gina slowly shook her head, went and grabbed her bag, and when Guy took her wrist, she reluctantly followed him out of the dining area, into the hallway and up the main stairs.
    At the door to her room, he released her and held out his hand. Gina retrieved the key from the front pocket of her bag and placed it in his outstretched palm.
    Once they were both inside, Guy shut the door and sat on the armchair by the window. “A while ago, the two of us had a conversation, during which we agreed that you were going to become my submissive. Does that agreement still stand, Gina?”
    “Y…Yes. But what happened downstairs really wasn’t my—”
    “Enough, Gina,” Guy interrupted. “You will answer only ‘yes, Sir’ or ‘no, Sir’. Is that clear?”
    “Yes, Sir,” she replied in a small voice.
    He studied her intently and then continued. “I can guess

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