An Affair To Remember: A Ludlow Hall Christmas

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Book: An Affair To Remember: A Ludlow Hall Christmas by CC MacKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: CC MacKenzie
did last night."
    Her breasts were heavy now, the nipples aching and throbbing with a need that matched the heavy liquid beat between her thighs. She knew she was slick and hot and swollen and scared stupid. And it would only get worse for her if she touched him. Nevertheless, her hand slid between them and she cupped him, pressed the flat of her hand against steel that her touch made grow. Now he was pulsing under her searching fingers. His cheeks were flushed, his eyes dark as his big body shuddered once, twice.
    "Tell me," he whispered in a throat that was hoarse with need. "Do you still want me to do all those things to you?"
    Elena hesitated to respond, and for a split second a flash of vulnerability entered those blue eyes. If she hadn't been staring right into them, she'd have missed it. As it was, it was gone so fast, she wondered if she'd imagined it. But that flash made her brave, made her take a risk, made her believe what she was doing was not wrong but so very right.
    "I want you to do all those things, and more.... but..."
    He kissed her hard, once.
    And then he was staring into her eyes again.
    "But, what, Sweetheart?"
    Her eyes filled and she blinked frantically.
    Now was so not the time to fall apart.
    "I'm scared."
    "That makes two of us," he admitted.
    She read the sincerity in his denim blue eyes, in the husky tone of his voice.
    "What's happening to us?"
    His eyes searched hers as his thumb stroked her hot cheek.
    "I think it's called a chemistry that's off the charts."
    That made sense.
    It was certainly something very special and very scary.
    "Have you ever experienced anything like this before?"
    She had to ask, if for no other reason than to try to understand.
    He shook his head.
    "Never. Will you trust me not to hurt you?"
    Her lids fell, hiding her eyes.
    "Last night," she said. "You must have been terribly frustrated, hurting. I'm so sorry, Marc."
    "Look at me." Her lids rose and she saw a raw and ravaging need that almost took her breath. "I can't lie. I didn't sleep a wink last night. But you were under the influence of an alcohol you'd never had before. What sort of man would I be to take advantage of that?"
    Now her hands rose to cup his face, to let her thumbs rub along the stubble of that strong jaw, that determined mouth.
    "A good man." She kissed him on the mouth and then she pressed her body into his, relaxed, and surrendered to this good man.
    Marc felt her yield to him.
    Now her mouth was hungry on his as her desperate hands were tugging his thermal up. He dragged his mouth from hers to whip off his tops and then he moved to strip her. As her body was revealed, his breath caught in his throat. She wasn't wearing a bra. His hands were shaking as he reached out to gently cup her swollen breasts. They were so firm, the skin so soft, like velvet wrapped in silk, as he tested their weight. Perfect. His thumbs stroked and flicked rosy nipples that beaded and pulsed. She threw her head back with a moan that vibrated through his body and arrowed right to his dick. The sting in his loins had him hiss out a breath. He'd never had a woman so responsive to his touch like this woman. Now her hands were at the buttons on his jeans, her eyes wide as she released him. He wasn't wearing underwear and was so fucking glad.
    He helped her shove his pants past his knees and then he toed off his socks and tugged down her pants and panties as she kicked off her boots, her own socks.
    And then they were standing in front of each other, their hands linked as they stared at each other, bare naked, for the very first time. She was beyond his wildest dreams. Her eyes were too wide, filled with a desire that made him want to weep with something like joy. Her mouth was trembling with each breath in and out. The hectic beat of her heart was fluttering in the pulse beneath her ear, against her ribs. He could see it and feel it as he held her hands tight. Her breasts were high, the tips reaching towards heaven. Her waist

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