An Affair To Remember: A Ludlow Hall Christmas

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Book: An Affair To Remember: A Ludlow Hall Christmas by CC MacKenzie Read Free Book Online
Authors: CC MacKenzie
dipped and then flowed into lean hips, boyish. And then his gaze explored the swollen heat of her slick womanhood, tucked safely between the cut of her lean and long thighs right down past her calves to slim ankles and narrow feet. He knew she was doing the same thing to him. Checking him out. Her wide eyes spent a long, long time on his package. And his dick pulsed as it reached out searching relentlessly for its mate, her. His body seemed magnetised as it tilted towards hers.
    He'd never felt anything like it.
    At the edges of his mind, of his consciousness, he acknowledged the fluttering wings of fear. No fucking wonder. Because he knew instinctively that if he took her the way he wanted to, the way she wanted him to, both of them ran the risk of losing something that they might never get back.
    The human heart was an organ that in some ways was stronger than titanium. But only if it gave love and received love freely and unconditionally. And in other ways the human heart was as vulnerable as dragonfly wings. Hard words, feelings unspoken, or deception might shatter a heart into a thousand pieces and break a person apart emotionally and physically.
    Marc knew this.
    All the while his hands were learning, like Braille, every curve, every sensitive spot on that wondrous body that made her breath hitch, made her shudder, made her moan, his mind continued to debate, to give him a choice.
    Give everything to this woman, without conditions.
    Or take everything from her and give nothing back.
    What was it to be?

Chapter Ten
    Elena sensed the change in him.
    He'd stopped stroking her when something like a sob had escaped from his throat.
    She closed her eyes, pressed her forehead into his heaving chest, felt the heavy thud of his heart and just breathed through an arousal that was more pain than pleasure. His shaft was pressing, pressing into the soft flesh of her bare belly. God knew her body was ready, more than ready for him.
    "What is it?" she whispered.
    His hands stroked her back in a soothing rhythmic touch that did anything but soothe.
    "I'm having a moment."
    Now she rubbed her cheek against the light sprinkling of soft dark hair on the taut skin that covered his pectoral muscles. She smelled him, the scent of a clean aroused man. And Elena knew she'd recognise that scent anywhere, even if blindfold. Her hands continued to explore. Lord, he was built. She loved touching him, loved feeling the way his muscles tightened and then trembled under her searching fingers. She let her hands stroke up his strong back, over wide shoulders, before sliding down, down to massage his tight ass. His groan was neither pain nor pleasure. It was a bit of both.
    Since they were taking a breather, Elena took the time to search her feelings and her heart to make sure both were good with what she wanted from him. The truth is always there if a person is open enough and honest enough to ask the right question of themselves at the right time. What did she want from him? And the answer was clear. She wanted it all, everything he could give. To be honest she'd known what she wanted as soon as she'd set eyes on him. As soon as he'd arrived at Ludlow Hall. He was a man who meant business. A genuine man. An honourable man. She wanted him in her life, for good. And if they were lucky, maybe even babies.
    The enormity of where her heart was going hit Elena too hard.
    Because she knew that in order to receive she needed to give, without strings, without a tie that bound him to her.
    Now it was her turn to sob.
    And Marc went utterly still under her hands.
    "What is it?" he whispered.
    Perhaps, Elena decided, they were both going a little bit crazy with the terribly potent sexual chemistry, all the pheromones, that were screwing around with their systems, their thought processes.
    "I'm having a moment."
    She had to laugh because lust had, in the space of a few minutes, turned into something else. Maybe it would have been better if he

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