Among Bright Stars...
you’re Highness?” Douglas
    “Yes.” Nadia told her simply.
    “We have secured the virus, as well as the
research and those who developed it.” The Shotar evenly explained.
“At this time the Falcanian sixth battle group, with joint support
from the Shogunate’s war fleet has occupied the coast of Alaska,
and taken control of the Iksar’rang base there. We will broach no
further counter attack by the Imperium.” Sharr threatened.
    Nadia’s brilliant blue eyes glanced away
from the holoviewer; here would be the sticking point. They hoped
to keep the Imperium in a stalemate and prevent them from a counter
assault upon Falcanian assets. A gambit that could easily spin out
of control.
    “Various nuclear devices have been planted
in the area, and we will use them if we are attacked.” Sharr Khan
said definitively. There then came a pause in Sharr’s speech, an
interval that Nadia had dreaded since the invasion had been
finalized, but the point had to be made clear that the Khanate
meant what it said, an example must be shown. She knew her husband
so enjoyed object lessons.
    [Falcanian Occupied Alaska]
    Various nuclear devices have been planted
in the area, and we will use them if we are attacked. Arshira
listened as Sharr, her mate, and her master, whom she had sold
herself to set out his ultimatum. Behind her stood both Kulcarin
Aranskrai, and Imperial Strato-General Shuriken Kra, her mentor,
and friend, both waited for her to act on cue.
    “He’s waiting.” Shuriken Kra gently
reminded. “You have my authorization to use the nuke.” Shuriken had
never dreamed that he would ever give such an order. They had come
so far since the original conception of the Phoenix Project.
    Arshira’s finger lingered over the button,
felt Kulcarin’s feral expression as he glared. It occurred to her
that Sharr had taken the planned pause in his speech, and that he
could only remain silent for so long. Eyes tightly shut; Arshira
compressed the button that would signal the nuke to explode. Off in
the distance she felt the detonation. What a waste...
    [IFV Arshira's Ascension, Near Earth
    “A small nuclear weapon has just been
detonated in an unpopulated region, one still scarred from The Burn
many years ago.” Sharr Khan explained from behind his lectern. “If
any move is struck against us, we shall detonate other such bombs.”
Sharr spoke in a cold flat tone which brokered no reproach. “We
shall provide proof of the Imperium’s intents, but not the weapon
itself to the world body. Our actions are just.”
    Down below, Earth went to high alert.
Leaders of all stripes, from the corporate-nation states, to living
computers had to choose how to respond. One leader watched the
event unfold in his palace common room, as circumstances would have
it, a Falcanian Princess happened to be there with him, along with
her burly Drakorian Guards. Darius thought the object lesson that
the Shotar just visited upon the Imperium to be courageous, daring
and worthy of his support.
    “Let us forge a peace from this destruction,
let us help end hostilities before they escalate beyond our
control.” Sharr outlined for his audience. “I await Imperator
Romulus’s reply.” And with that the holographic transmission
    [Falcanian Occupied Alaska]
    “Dining over split-atoms?”
    Arshira sat in the cafeteria, a half-eaten
MRE steamed in front of her. She pushed a piece of sprakzir-pig
around with her steel irajik utensil, and poked it through with the
sharpened points. Honey-blonde curls loosely hung around
Frederika's heart shaped face. Blankly, the Valküri Sub-Commander
gazed at the crispy sprakzir-pig and cheese curd.
    “Oswald!” Arshira began to respectively
rise, but the ISG waved her to stop.
    “Don’t get up,” Shuriken said. “Today went
pretty good, thanks to you.” He admitted
    Arshira took the compliment with a
    “Didn’t like it?” Shuriken Kra keenly

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