Always You

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Book: Always You by Kirsty Moseley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kirsty Moseley
big quarterfinal or something or other" I said putting my hands up in a I haven't got a clue gesture.
    He laughed "You really don't know anything about football do you?" he said grabbing my hand and pulling me towards his car. What the hell is he doing now? Is this boy crazy?
    "What are you doing Blake? I said I don't need a ride home" I said confused as he opened his passenger door for me.
    "Ok that's fine, but I can take you out for an hour and a half then drop you back at school before practice finishes" he said with a smirk as he took my bag out of my hand and threw it on the backseat. Ok I really shouldn't go with him, I hardly know him and he has a bad reputation. But he honestly seems so sweet!
    He could obviously sense my indecision, "I promise I won't try anything on you jailbait, Scouts honour, I just want to buy you a milkshake for your birthday" he said pointing into the car and smiling a dazzling smile. I took a deep breath and got into the car, he shut the door with a chuckle. He obviously liked getting his own way.
    He drove us in silence, his car was nice, I have no idea about cars so I didn't know what sort it was but it was clean and smelled like leather and his aftershave. I actually felt quite relaxed considering that I was alone in a car with an older guy I knew hardly anything about and no one knew where I was. Oh crap this is a really bad idea, where the hell is he taking me? Just then he pulled into this little diner and stopped the car.
    We got out and he held the door to the diner open for me, "Wow very gentlemanly" I said with a smile.
    "I can be a gentleman when I want to be, I just don't want to be that often" he said with a cheeky grin, I rolled my eyes at him and sat in one of the booths.
    He sat opposite me as the waitress came over and gave him a very seductive smile, "Well hello, what can I do for you?" she asked looking at him.
    "I'll have a chocolate shake with extra ice-cream and, jailbait?" he said looking at me and raising his eyebrows.
    The waitress dragged her eyes away from Blake to look me over and give me a sneer, "Err I'll have a strawberry shake please" I said shrugging, jeez I felt uncomfortable the woman looked like she wanted to stab me or something.
    "Put extra ice-cream in hers too would ya?" he said turning back to me, "Trust me on this one" he said with a wink laughing. The woman smiled at him again but he was too busy reaching across the table to notice.
    He took my hand and I just sat there in shock, I mean jeez this guy is too old for me, and he's incredibly hot. What the hell is he holding my hand for? I pulled my hand back putting it in my lap, he looked a little hurt but smiled to cover it up. "So what did you get for your birthday?" he asked with a grin.
    "Well, aside from a new charm for my cell, my Mom and Brian got me a new ipod, and Clay got me this bracelet" I said jiggling my wrist to make it shine when I caught the sun. He reached out and took hold of my wrist gently bringing it to him so he could look at it.
    "It's pretty" he said taking hold of my hand again.
    I tried to pull away again but he frowned slightly and gripped my hand a little tighter "Please?" he said quietly, I looked into his eyes and could feel myself being drawn in. I stopped struggling and let him hold my hand. It actually felt nice, different from when Clay held my hand, when Clay and I held hands it was just natural, normal like breathing but this felt nice in a different way, his hand was warm and slightly rough to the touch.
    The waitress came over and placed our drinks down giving me another dirty look as she walked away. I took a big swig of my milkshake and oh my God it was good!
    "Wow I think that's the best milkshake I've ever had" I said taking another mouthful.
    He nodded "Yeah I thought you'd like it" he said with a wink.
    "So how old are you exactly Blake?" I asked grabbing a spoon so I could eat the ice-cream that was floating at the top of my milkshake.
    "I turned 21 two

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