Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar)

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Book: Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar) by Jana Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Richards
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he wanted to apologize to Dani for being such an ass this morning. Camp had caught him completely off guard with that comment about having a wedding. He shuddered. Just the idea of going through that hell again twisted his gut and made his head want to explode. But he'd made it sound as if it were the idea of marrying Dani that he couldn't stand. In truth, the concept of marriage in general made him queasy.
    He knocked softly on her door, listening carefully for sounds inside the room. All was silent. He was sure he'd seen her go up the stairs. Perhaps she was sleeping or in her bathroom. His apology would have to wait.
    Turning around, he was about to descend the stairs when he heard voices. He followed the sound to the sunroom at the front of the house. Through the glass door he saw Jonathan cradling Dani in his arms. She was curled in his lap, her eyes closed, her head resting trustingly against his broad chest. Jonathan gently rubbed her back and kissed her hair, as if comforting her.
    Jealousy slammed into his chest as hard and fast as a car hitting a brick wall.
    He quickly stepped back a pace so he wouldn't be observed. The scene he'd just witnessed was intimate and private, and none of his business.
    But that didn't stop the blood from pounding through his head and red dots of anger from forming in front of his eyes. He quickly left his hiding place and hurried down the stairs, disappointment following him all the way.
    He needed to be very careful to remember that Dani was only his make-believe girlfriend this weekend. Reading anything more into their so-called relationship would be a big mistake.
    * * * *
    After splashing water on her face and applying a little makeup to cover her red-rimmed eyes, Dani took a deep breath and steeled herself for her afternoon with Chantal. The other three women were waiting for her in the front foyer when she made her way down the stairs.
    "Having a little beauty sleep, Dani?" Chantal looked at her watch, not bothering to disguise her annoyance.
    "Sorry I'm late."
    Fiona looped her arm through Dani's. "Leave her alone, Chantal. We're going to have a simply wonderful afternoon of pampering and I won't let you ruin it."
    Chantal pulled on a leather glove. "All right, but don't blame me if the masseuse has to cut your session short because we were late."
    "Oh, for heaven's sake," Fiona said, rolling her eyes in exasperation. "Let's just go."
    Dani closed her eyes briefly and exhaled. The afternoon was going pretty much the way she'd feared it would. She wished she could disappear for a few hours.
    The ringing of Fiona's phone had them stalled before they reached the front door. She pulled the phone from her purse and checked the number. "I have to take this. It's my wedding planner."
    Chantal threw up her hands. "Now what?"
    "Don't worry, dear," Margaret soothed. "We'll get there. A nice massage will do you wonders."
    Dani wondered if it could turn her into a nicer person, but that was probably too much to ask.
    "Oh no!" Fiona said into the phone. "What are we going to do?"
    She turned her attention to her friend's tense phone conversation. Whatever it was about, it didn't sound good.
    "Okay Sonya, I'll take care of it," Fiona said as she scribbled something on a piece of paper. "I'll call you as soon as I can."
    "Is there a problem?" Margaret asked.
    Fiona looked close to panic. "There's huge problem. The bakery that made my wedding cake burned down last night. Everything was lost, including my cake."
    "How awful for you, dear!" Margaret said.
    Not so great for the bakery either.
    "The wedding planner found another bakery willing to make a duplicate of my cake on short notice, but it's way out in Oakville and they won't deliver. I'll have to run out there and pick it up."
    "But what about our mother-daughters spa day?" Margaret asked. "I was so looking forward to spending time with my girls. And Dani," she added as an afterthought.
    "I know, so was I, but I have no choice. We'll do this

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