Alleyn, Fredrica

Read Online Alleyn, Fredrica by Cassandra's Chateau - Free Book Online

Book: Alleyn, Fredrica by Cassandra's Chateau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra's Chateau
the pair of them and longed to retreat to her room as she frequently had done in London when she felt awkward and unsure. 'No one at all,' she confessed. 'I hardly met up with any people of my own age in London. Daddy's library took up my days, and in the evenings most of his friends were elderly or unsuitable.'
    'Unsuitable?' queried Cassandra, who'd now regained control of herself.
    'Before my mother died she apparently made my father promise to keep me safe from temptation. She didn't want me growing up too fast. I think she was very religious.'
    'But you are nearly twenty-one! It is time for you to grow up now, would you not agree?' asked the baron, his brown eyes fixed on her with a peculiar intensity.
    Nicola nodded. 'Of course, but you can't grow up on your own you know!'
    There was a sudden silence. Nicola looked at the baron and now his eyes were gleaming, as though there was a light behind them. 'Your father understood that,' he told her softly. 'That is the reason you're here, little one.'
    'To meet new people you mean?' she asked eagerly.
    He sat back on the seat and steepled his fingers so that they were just touching the end of his chin. 'To be awakened,' he said softly.
    Nicola's breath caught in her throat. She couldn't believe she'd heard him right. 'Awakened?'
    He nodded. 'Your father has asked me to finish your education. To turn you into a complete woman. Doesn't the idea appeal to you?'
    Both the baron and Cassandra were watching her closely and a wave of panic swept over Nicola. She jumped out of her chair and her plate fell to the cobblestones, shattering into hundreds of pieces. 'I'm very tired,' she gabbled, her legs shaking and her hands clenched into tight fists at her sides. 'If you'll excuse me I think I'll go to my room and lie down for the afternoon.'
    The baron nodded. 'But of course. And do relax, my dear Nicola. Believe me, by the time you leave here you will be eternally grateful to your father.'
    Nicola turned on her heels and stumbled away, in through the French door and out of their sight.
    'Why did you tell her that?' asked Cassandra.
    'She'd have worked it out soon enough and I wished to add a frisson of fear to her afternoon. It should heighten her senses tonight.'
    Cassandra looked doubtful. 'She didn't seem very grateful or enthusiastic when you explained.'
    'She is already afraid of her own responses. She watched us constantly, without once closing her eyes. There is desire there, and definitely sensuality. The only thing I cannot tell is along what particular paths her preferences will take her.'
    Cassandra stood up. 'May I take Peter to my room now?' she asked.
    The baron laughed. 'I think not! I shall join you there and we will enjoy ourselves while at the same time keeping an eye on Nicola. I would like us to have Monique for company.'
    Cassandra nodded. 'I'll fetch her.'
    'Excellent! I'll go up and prepare things while you do.'
    Monique was sitting on the high step outside the huge kitchen, enjoying some of the early afternoon sun. Inside the chef and his assistant were hard at work preparing dinner, using the modern high-technology equipment that the baron had allowed into this one room.
    He expected to eat well and had listened to his chef's requirements when refurbishing the chateau. However, because of the white surfaces and gleaming stainless steel it was a room he resolutely refused to enter, so it was always Cassandra who had to go there when the maids were needed. If the baron wished to speak to the chef, he sent for him.
    Cassandra crossed the room and called Monique's name. When the girl appeared she was totally expressionless. 'You're needed upstairs, Monique,' said Cassandra softly.
    Monique's pale face flushed and when the flush faded her skin seemed even whiter than before but she nodded obediently, put on a clean white apron and mob cap and followed her mistress up the stairs. She was relieved to discover that they were heading for the double bedroom, not the

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