Alleyn, Fredrica

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Book: Alleyn, Fredrica by Cassandra's Chateau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cassandra's Chateau
punishment room.
    Unusually for times like this, the baron was fully clothed. He also had a TV screen on, and Monique could see a fair-haired young woman wearing only a pair of white high-cut briefs lying on her back in the middle of a huge bed.
    Cassandra glanced at the screen. 'Has she done anything?'
    The baron shook his head. 'She took off most of her clothes, that's all. I trust she has indulged in self-pleasuring at some time during her life!'
    As the couple talked, Monique waited silently, hoping that the baron would be in a generous mood once they got down to whatever activity he had in mind. He watched the motionless blonde on the screen for a moment longer then turned to the maid. 'Take off all your clothes and then undress your mistress.'
    Monique complied. Her uniform was easily divested, but Cassandra's outfit proved more difficult and when she fumbled with the leather belt the baron clicked his tongue in disapproval.
    Finally both women were naked. The baron sat Cassandra in a chair opposite the foot of the bed, threw a bolster filled with duck feathers onto the bed and gestured towards it.
    'Make love to it, Monique. Wrap yourself around it, press against it and keep your hips moving all the time. I expect you to come within five minutes.'
    Although used to the exercise, five minutes was a very short time at the start of a session and Monique wasn't sure she could manage it, but failure was never a pleasant thought in the chateau and she quickly climbed onto the bed. As she felt her body sink into the feather softness she closed her eyes and pretended it was the baron pressing against her, arousing her naked body, and the faster she moved her hips the quicker her arousal grew.
    'I shall enjoy watching Nicola do this,' murmured the baron, letting a hand stray over Cassandra's breasts. 'How firm you feel,' he added lightly, and pinched each of the small pink nipples in turn until they lengthened and grew hard.
    Cassandra moaned softly. She was watching Monique, listening to the girl's subdued but rising sounds of excitement and waiting tensely for the moment when the slight body would shake with release.
    Monique was nearly there; her breasts were on fire, her stomach full and tight and suddenly the liquid warmth spread through her in a rush and she gave a cry of relief.
    The baron glanced at his watch. 'Four minutes ten seconds. Excellent! Now lie on your back on the bolster with your legs spread out on each side.' Monique obeyed. 'Good. Next I shall use my mouth on you. This time you have four minutes.'
    Suddenly Monique saw the way the game was going and knew that once again by the end of the session her pleasure would be edged with pain, but this was what she had come to need and was the secret of her refusal to leave the chateau.
    Cassandra moved to sit next to the girl as the baron put his head between her thighs. When his tongue touched the still highly sensitive flesh of her inner lips Monique's legs started to close and Cassandra slid a hand beneath the cheeks of the maid's bottom, one slim finger resting lightly against the opening there. Immediately the girl's legs opened fully again.
    The baron teased the maid mercilessly. He licked, sucked and flicked with his tongue until her sex lips were swollen and red and when he drew her clitoris into his mouth her hips bucked and she shouted aloud as her second climax washed over her.
    Again the baron checked his watch. Three minutes fifty seconds. How well you're doing.'
    Cassandra brushed the maid's nipples with the palm of her hand and Monique arched upwards gratefully.
    'Now lie face-down,' instructed the baron. Somewhat reluctantly, Monique obeyed. 'This time you will have only three minutes so we will allow you a brief rest,' he informed her. As Monique buried her head in the bolster the baron drew Cassandra onto his knee and stroked her all over her body as he watched the still motionless Nicola on the screen.
    'When is it my turn?' whispered Cassandra,

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