All You Need Is Love

Read Online All You Need Is Love by Janet Nissenson - Free Book Online

Book: All You Need Is Love by Janet Nissenson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Nissenson
Tags: Romance, Contemporary, Adult
crotch of her lacy thong.
    Julia squirmed on the seat, her body already primed and ready from all the kissing and cuddling they had engaged in all evening. Both of them were also more than a little tipsy from all the wine, champagne and post-dinner cocktails they had imbibed, the alcohol seeming to loosen their inhibitions even further until they were practically crawling over each other in an attempt to get even closer.
    The cab driver chose to mostly ignore their heated make-out session in the back seat, but the same couldn’t be said for the carload of horny, voyeuristic teen-aged boys in the lane to their left. It was the enthusiastic honking of the car’s horn that finally caused Nathan to stop kissing his very eager fiancée and lift his head. When he saw the three grinning faces pressed against the car windows, all giving him the thumbs-up, he flushed a bright shade of red and gingerly eased Julia off his lap.
    “Uh, baby, we sort of have an audience,” he whispered urgently, indicating his head to the left.
    “Hmm?” Julia was still more than a little dazed from the way he’d been all but devouring her mouth and how she’d been basically dry-humping him very, very eagerly. She lifted her gaze and then gave a shriek of alarm when she spied the leering masculine faces directed her way, in particular the one in the middle who was even now making a rather obscene gesture that she didn’t even want to try and interpret.
    “Oh, God.” Mortified, she hid her face in her hands and scooted several inches away from Nathan. “What in the world is he doing with his hands anyway?”
    Nathan grimaced, then scowled at the horny young men before patting Julia on the shoulder. “Uh, trust me, you don’t want me to explain. It would just really, really gross you out. Ah, good, they’re turning left up here.”
    Still hiding her face, Julia shook her head. “I can’t believe we were just being gawked at that way. Don’t their parents teach them any manners?”
    He burst out laughing, and cuddled her close. “Baby, they all looked about fifteen years old and bursting with hormones. Good manners are the last thing on their minds, trust me. Right about now they’re probably all fantasizing about humping you themselves. Which means I’ve got the brainpower of a high school sophomore, because I’m having the exact same fantasy.”
    She gazed up at him warily. “Care to elaborate? Or not, depending on your answer.”
    Nathan pressed a kiss to her cheek. “Relax. It doesn’t involve doing you in the back seat of a taxi, all right? That particular scenario is not, nor has it ever been, on my sexual bucket list.”
    In spite of herself, Julia couldn’t help giggling. “Your sexual – what? Is that for real or something that just popped into your brain? Your very dirty brain, I might add.”
    He gave her one of those wicked grins that never, ever failed to get her excited. “Oh, no. It’s definitely real. Though I must say the list has shrunk a lot since I met you. I’m always having to think of new things to add to it since you and I have, uh, already checked most of the items off the list.”
    “I see,” she murmured, her teeth nipping at his earlobe. “Maybe you should share this so-called list with me sometime, see if we can put our heads together and make sure you haven’t missed anything.”
    He slid his hand down her hip and squeezed an ass cheek. “Just to clarify – this list only exists in my head right now, nothing has ever been written down. Though we could certainly do that sometime. As for putting things together – my thoughts exactly, except it wasn’t our heads I was visualizing.”
    Julia used her index finger to trace a long, slow path down his still-throbbing erection. “Hmm, maybe one of your heads and a different part of my anatomy?”
    Nathan clamped his hand over her wrist and moved her hand away – reluctantly. “Let’s, uh, hold off on any further discussion of our respective

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