All Is Bright

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Book: All Is Bright by Colleen Coble Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colleen Coble
Tags: Ebook
against another area of tape.
    Thick, acrid smoke rolled from the flames licking eagerly at the wooden floor, and she gulped in fresh air from a crack between boards in the floor, then saw a bottle of water that had rolled under the bench. If she could get free, maybe she could drench herself in water, then run through the flames.
    She worked at the tape again, and the tight bands at her wrist loosened again. Setting her jaw, she put all her strength into releasing her wrists. Her upper arms and shoulders screamed with the effort, but she ignored the pain.
    Almost there.
    Then her arms were free. She sat up and ripped the tape from her ankles. The smoke was thicker up here with her head three feet above the floor. She choked on the smoke, then reached over and grabbed the water bottle. It was half full. She twisted off the cap, then looked at the fire again.
    There was no way she could get through those flames with this little bit of water.
    She thought she heard someone shout her name, but it was hard to hear over the roaring of the flames as the floorboards began to burn furiously. Something banged by her head, and she turned to see Tom peering through the screen to her right as the smoke rolled around his head.
    â€œTom, I’m here!” She staggered to her feet, but the heat was intense, and the smoke was so bad tears instantly filled her eyes and obscured her vision even more.
    She staggered toward where she’d seen Tom, but pounding footsteps came from the doorway. A bulky figure leaped through the flames and landed in the center of the gazebo. Tom rolled to a stop, then leaped to his feet and grabbed her arm. Without a word he picked her up, then howling at the top of his lungs, he ran at the screen.
    Delilah clung to his neck, and as his shoulder busted through the screen, she kicked at it with her feet. They struck the ground together, but even though Tom’s bulk took the brunt of the fall, the air whooshed out of Delilah’s lungs. They rolled over and over on the cold grass before coming to a rest. She was atop him with her head cradled on his chest.
    Flames licked up the sides of the gazebo, and as they both sat up, she was dimly aware of other figures rushing toward them, of Libby calling her name.
    Tom pulled her close and kissed her temple. “Thank God, thank God,” he whispered.

    D ELILAH ’ S MUSCLES PROTESTED WITH EVERY MOVE, BUT SHE was too glad to be alive to care. Christmas eve was her favorite day of the season. The Christmas tree twinkled with white lights, and their reflected glory shimmered off the silver ornaments. Everyone was gathered around the tree and laughing as they exchanged one present each until tomorrow.
    Relishing the firmness of Tom’s shoulder against her own, she intended to enjoy every moment of a day she didn’t think she’d see. He looked impossibly handsome with his button-down red oxford shirt tucked into slim-fitting jeans.
    Little Noah had been baby Jesus in the Christmas play at the church, and afterward they’d gathered here at Tidewater Inn. The baby had fallen asleep after getting his Captain Calamari toy, and Alec carried him off to bed, then returned to enjoy eggnog and popcorn with the rest of the group. Libby’s Aunt Pearl, Alec’s nephew Zach, Vanessa, and her younger half brother, Brent, lounged around the room with their snacks and crumpled paper strewn around the room. Even Gage was here. He’d discovered the damage to his brake line before he’d had an accident.
    Delilah had been shy about giving Tom the book she bought him, but it was now or never. She slid off the sofa and rooted around under the enormous tree until her fingers closed on it. She hid a wince as her burned fingers scraped across the wrapping paper.
    A few aches and pains were nothing compared to what Keith was enduring. He was in ICU in Richmond with second and third-degree burns. A guard was outside his door, but it was unlikely he

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