All Is Bright

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Book: All Is Bright by Colleen Coble Read Free Book Online
Authors: Colleen Coble
Tags: Ebook
vacationing right now in Virginia Beach. I can just drive down there with my wife and kids. I’ve got two girls.” He sounded eager. “I can’t believe this! Delilah is alive after all this time. Hold on.” There was a muffled exchange with someone, then he came back on the line. “Can we come tomorrow? That’s Christmas Eve. I don’t want to wait another day to see her.”
    Tom pictured her face when she saw her brother for the first time and grinned. “That’d be great. She manages Tidewater Inn, a bed-and-breakfast here on the island. I’ll talk to the owner and arrange for your lodging. This will mean the world to her.”
    â€œYou her husband or something?”
    â€œNot yet.” Something light and airy spread in Tom’s chest. “I care about her though.”
    â€œDude, you’re going to be a rock star in her eyes. Mine too. I can’t tell you what this means to me, to my wife and daughters. Family. Wow.”
    Tom’s grin widened. “See you tomorrow then.” He ended the call and put his phone down. The surprise was going to be so great. His cell phone rang, and as he answered it, he saw Vanessa’s name on the screen. “Everything okay?”
    â€œI don’t know. I’ve been trying to call Delilah for half an hour, and she’s not answering. Libby turns off her phones at night so I couldn’t reach them either.”
    â€œMaybe she turned her phone off too.” He started the truck and headed it back toward Tidewater Inn.
    â€œShe never turns it off. A guest might need something. I’m a little worried. It’s probably nothing, and like I said earlier, the fire and the attack on Delilah probably aren’t related, but after my scare today I’m a little on edge. I thought all my worries were over once Keith left me alone. A lot I know.”
    Keith. Something clicked in Tom’s head. “What was your last communication with him?”
    â€œThe usual. That he was going to show me we belonged together no matter what anyone else said.”
    â€œWhy would he say it that way? Did he know Delilah objected to the way he treated you?”
    â€œWell, yeah. When we broke up, I told him I’d been like a frog that didn’t know the water was heating up until my best friend pointed it out.” Vanessa’s gasp came through the phone loud and clear. “You think he’s the one who set the fire and tried to hurt Delilah?”
    â€œIt makes sense. I’m heading there now. I’ll let you know when I find her.” He ended the call and tossed his cell phone into the passenger seat.
    He’d break the door down to rouse the entire place if he had to. Praying everything was fine, he took the curves at nearly seventy miles an hour, so fast his tires squealed. His heart tried to pound right out of his chest, and he kept pushing away the image of finding her lifeless body. He’d gone through that once with Holly, and he couldn’t do it again.
    He snatched up his phone and tried Delilah’s number, but it rang until her voice mail message came on. So he called his deputy and instructed him to run another check on Keith Jacobsen and to see if Keith’s vehicle was parked in front of his house. It would be at least an hour before the deputy could get out there to the house and call him back.
    The porch light at Tidewater Inn beckoned ahead, and he accelerated into the final straight length of road, then slammed on his brakes, yanked the truck into Park, and leaped out.
    He ran up the inn’s steps and rang the doorbell. If he woke up the entire household only to find Delilah sleeping in her bed, he was going to feel like a fool, but he had to know she was all right.
    It seemed an eternity before a bleary-eyed Alec, dressed in pajamas and a robe, opened the door. “Tom, what’s wrong?”
    â€œHave you seen Delilah? She’s not answering her phone, and

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