Alien Salvation
when it
comes to sexual relations,” she stammered, suddenly naked in the
middle of the group.
    Bacoj shucked his knee-high boots and
peeled his formsuit off. “Kalquorians strong men. Strong needs.” He
helped Vax, who was struggling one-handed to undress.
    “So I noticed.” Lindsey couldn’t help
but ogle the three sets of erections surrounding her. Warm arousal
suffused her lower regions.
    She calculated. Three days to reach the
search party. A couple of days while Bacoj repaired the shuttle.
Then a short hop to the rescuers that were transporting Earthers to
Kalquor. So she had nearly a week to enjoy this trio of lusty
aliens, if they could find the privacy with Lindsey’s parents on
board. Lindsey didn’t think it would be too hard to manage. Two
years of hiding had taught her plenty about subterfuge.
    Japohn embraced her from behind, his
turgid flesh hard against her lower back. His mouth closed over the
side of her neck, and she cried out as pinpricks of pain stabbed
into her flesh. “Ow! Why are you biting me again?” She struggled
helplessly in the big alien’s grip.
    “Makes feel good,” Vax soothed, his
hand closing over her breast. His thumb massaged her nipple,
bringing it to a hard nub.
    “It makes me feel weak,” she protested
as the intoxicant sent languorous pleasure creeping through her
body. Her hips bucked against Bacoj’s questing fingers as he
explored the damp folds of her sex. She moaned with the sensation.
Even the penetration of Japohn’s fangs was fast becoming an erotic
    Vax tested the weight of her other
breast. The warmth of his hand sent a jolt through her. “You like
control. We like control. We take control.”
    Japohn released his grip on her neck.
He licked the wounds slowly with his cat-scratchy tongue as his big
hands kneaded her buttocks. “Vax right. All can no dominate. You
    “Why me? Why don’t I get a vote in
this?” Lindsey wasn’t really protesting anymore. Her mouth was on
automatic pilot, asking questions her body had no interest in
hearing the answers to.
    Japohn tilted her head back so she
could see his humorless smile. Her sex clenched at the sight of
ruthless domination in his expression. “Our ship. Our
    Before meeting the Kalquorians,
surrender had never been in Lindsey’s vocabulary. But with Vax’s
mouth closing over her breast, Japohn massaging her buttocks and
Bacoj slipping his fingers into her inner realms, she abdicated all
control. “That’s fair, I suppose,” she sighed, releasing herself to
their dictates.

    Mouths and hands delighted her, tasting
and groping every inch of her body. She felt devoured, and Lindsey
exulted in being consumed. Her hands roamed the chiseled perfection
of her three lovers, relishing the muscles that Bernini or
Michelangelo might have carved had they been capable of working in
the medium of flesh.
    Japohn and Bacoj lifted her into the
air, supporting her back against their shoulders, her buttocks in
one of each of their hands. They held her thighs spread wide as if
she straddled a chair. Vax stepped between her legs, his sexes
homing in on her orifices. She watched as he slid into her hearth,
groaning as he disappeared into her warmth to fill her with his
dark brown delicious lengths.
    Seeing him slipping in and out of her
sheaths deepened the pleasure of his thrusts. Lindsey spared a
glance at Bacoj and Japohn, who stared intensely as their clanmate
took her. Their hungry expressions were identical as they breathed
hard through wet, parted lips. Being watched performing the most
intimate of acts made her clench hard around Vax’s thick stave, and
he groaned in response. A quick look revealed his face soft with
hazy bliss.
    Her hands roamed his torso, and he
snatched one to his mouth. One at a time, he sucked her fingers
into the velvety wetness, twining his tongue around each digit.
Then he leaned close to her to ply her lips with a deeply
penetrating kiss. He never missed a

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