Alien Romance: Star Light Pilot (Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Abduction Fantasy Warrior Hero Space Opera Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Dragon Shifter Paranormal Urban Short Stories)

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Book: Alien Romance: Star Light Pilot (Sci-Fi Alien Invasion Abduction Fantasy Warrior Hero Space Opera Romance) (Science Fiction Mystery Dragon Shifter Paranormal Urban Short Stories) by Emma Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Taylor
morning. However I’ll look into that and will keep you informed,” said Detective Hanlon.
    I felt better after this visit from the police. The detective actually seemed interested and involved. I watched as he left. He intercepted two uniformed officers who had just arrived, spoke to them briefly and then they left. They were looking at each other nervously. That made me feel uneasy. I did not know exactly why, though.
    Max rose and watched my neighbor George stapling up a tarp. One side started sagging and Max stepped over and grabbed it, holding it up for George to staple. He continued helping George, and soon the tarp was neatly stapled over where the window had been. A billionaire helping at grunt work. Will wonders never cease, I thought. Then he spoke with George a moment and turned, walking over to the counter where I was. I started making a cappuccino.
    “It’s on the house. Thank you for helping George. I appreciate it, and I am sure he, did too.” Max smiled and did not argue the free coffee. Unlike everyone else, he did not ask what had happened. He already seemed to know.
    “Helping George was no problem. I go into his store occasionally for this and that. Nice old guy,” he said. Then he gestured around at the damage. “I am glad no one was hurt.” I nodded. That had occurred to me.
    “The timing was clever,” I pointed out. “It was before George or Gaspar would be here to notice, yet late enough no one would be around.” he nodded.
    “That says something about who ever did it. It is a little late for drunks screwing around, or hooligans.” The way he said the last part told me he had been listening to the conversation with the man in the leather vest. I met his eyes and they were still beautiful and at this time shining with concern.
    “I have to say I am more than a little worried for you. Guys like that do not warn people without a serious, to them, reason. It also bothers me that there was no incident report for the first police visit.” It all did seem strange to me too. I remember my grandfather saying to me that coincidences do happen, but several in a row were not to be believed. Donna finished serving a drink to a customer and came over.
    “May I borrow my boss for a moment kind sir?” she asked Max. He smiled.
    “Of course Donna,” he said. He nodded and smiled at me and went back to his table with his coffee. Donna led me over to the end of the counter away from everyone.
    “Normally I would not point this out, but I figure you would want me to.”
    “Ok, what is up?” I asked.
    “Well, you are wearing red flannel pants, pink tennis shoes and a yellow blouse with a sweat jacket on over it. I am surprised your head has not exploded yet.” I looked down in horror. I had completely forgotten my plan to change after meeting the cops first thing this morning. I raised my hands to my hair and realized the bun I put it in had come loose. I was a wreck. I glanced over the shop and there were two more customers coming in.
    “I can't disappear now. Damn I look like shit.” Donna smiled.
    “Be right with you,” she called to the new customers.
    “I can take care of this. Here I will prove it.” She turned and walked out where everyone could see her.
    “Ok, listen up my friends and valued customers. This lovely lady here.” She pointed to me. I saw Max was trying hard not to smile. “Has been up since four this morning dealing with all of this.” She gestured at the window. “Would any of you mind if she took a break and I handled things here. It may take a smidgen longer but the time is going to a good cause.” The response was heart felt and immediate.
    “Go on honey, you deserve it!”
    “Of course not!”
    “No problem dear.”
    “I got time.”
    “It would be fine,” said Max. “In fact I am waiting for my ride so if the lovely Donna needs a hand, I have always wanted to sling caffeine.” Donna turned back to me. Max took off his jacket and winked at

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