Alien Refuge
her shirt, his insistence drowning out the Nobek’s message. “Not Copin. Not Rivek.”
    Iris sighed. “Stop and replay vid. Thomas, that’s Jol. Please be quiet while Mommy listens to him. Quiet, Thomas.”
    “Jol,” Thomas repeated and subsided as the Nobek’s message started up again, soon reaching where the child had interrupted.
    “Your snow blower is also repaired. Should you need further assistance, feel free to contact my private com channel, which is now saved to your call list. It has been my honor to serve you and your son Thomas.”
    Jol bowed again, and blinked out as the recording ended. Thomas copied the bow. “Jol went bye-bye. Bye-bye, Jol.”
    “Bye-bye, Jol,” Iris echoed. She had the urge to play the message again, just so she could look at the handsome Kalquorian.
    She shook her head at herself. Okay, so he was handsome. He and his Imdiko. And they were incredibly kind. But they were still Kalquorians, and she needed to keep her distance from now on. Most Earthers, though not as ready to dislike their hosts as Hoover seemed to be, would still not approve of her spending so much time with the aliens. If the E.I.K. took notice, that would be even worse.
    Iris wondered what Governor Hoover and Father Stephen would think if they knew Jol had spent his morning fixing things around Iris’ homestead. She could just imagine the fireworks if they found out she and Thomas had been in the Temple of Life for several hours to boot.
    * * * *
    The end of the workday had arrived. Ospar walked down the halls of the administration building towards Jol’s office. He said goodbye to his staff as they departed, his smile easy. It had been a good day. Any day Governor Hoover didn’t contact him with the usual litany of complaints was a blessing in Ospar’s view.
    The funny thing was, he could understand Hoover chafing under Kalquorian rule. He understood it because Ospar knew full well he would be doing the same thing were their roles reversed. Ospar had once been described by Rivek as ‘the most Dramok of all the Dramoks’. He truly despised not being in absolute control over anything he deemed his purview. Experience was quickly teaching Ospar that Hoover was an incredibly dominant personality as well. Not only that, but the Earther was easily insulted by the least slight.
    Understanding or not, the fact remained that Haven Colony was in Empire space and under Kalquorian protection. That meant give and take was required from both sides, but Ospar and Hoover were both ill-suited for compromise. Rivek would no doubt remind his Dramok that the challenge to work with someone almost completely opposed to him was a gift.
    Not dealing with Hoover today was an even better gift, and Ospar’s mood was positively sunny because of it.
    He neared Jol’s office, which was next to his. His protective Nobek liked to be close to him, a holdover from when he was employed as Ospar’s personal bodyguard way back before they had clanned.
    Right out of training camp, Jol had been heavily recruited by Kalquor’s Global Security force as well as the Royal Guard which protected the Imperial Family. He’d elected to work in the private sector instead, which had led to him and Ospar meeting and eventually clanning. When Ospar thought of how fiercely they’d butted heads in those early days, he couldn’t help but chuckle. At one time, he would have said it was more likely one would kill the other, rather than becoming lifemates.
    Jol’s door was open, as usual. The stern but patient Nobek welcomed anyone who needed his help to come in at any time. When Ospar walked in, his clanmate was frowning over vid reports. He didn’t immediately acknowledge the Dramok’s entrance, but Ospar knew Jol was well aware of his arrival. The head of security missed nothing.
    Ospar couldn’t resist poking fun. “My always efficient Nobek is behind in his work? I must note this day down.”
    Jol cocked an eyebrow as he closed down two readouts

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