Alien Refuge
get his piloting license re-instated and his shuttle back, more power to you. But I will not help.”
    The governor stood. He didn’t try to hide his anger. “You cannot turn your back on your own. It is unconscionable. There are people on this colony who won’t stand for collusion with the Kalquorians.”
    Iris stood as well. “This has nothing to do with turning my back on anyone or siding with the aliens. I am my son’s sole protector. It doesn’t matter if it’s Kalquorian or Earther; if anyone endangers Thomas, I become their worst enemy.”
    Even her husband Conrad, with his ready fists and kicks, knew better than to challenge Iris’ instincts when it came to Thomas. He must have; he had never raised a hand to the boy. Iris had been the sole receiver of her husband’s abuse.
    Father Stephen rose. His tone was placating, gentle enough that Thomas went back to his toys and was quickly re-absorbed in his make-believe world. “I think emotions are running too high right now for us to accomplish anything productive. Iris is a conscientious parent, and she had a bad scare yesterday. Governor Hoover only wants the best for all Earthers on Haven. These are not matters in opposition to each other.”
    Hoover’s forehead smoothed, and he managed a conciliatory smile. “Of course not. I apologize if I seem less than sympathetic to the fright you had. It’s just I have so much pressure with the Kalquorians always trying to enforce their rule over us. They do not trust us to govern ourselves, and many chafe under their dictatorship.”
    Iris had never seen any evidence of a dictatorship. Even if the Kalquorians had been more controlling, Haven was within their empire’s borders. Who were the Earthers to challenge that? However, it was probably best to meet the temperamental governor halfway.
    She offered her own reasonable smile and said, “I can’t imagine the responsibility you have. It must be quite stressful.”
    Hoover waited as if he expected her to say more. Iris only maintained her smile. She wasn’t about to apologize to him, not for Thomas’ inability to act like others and certainly not for refusing to toe the ‘us-against-them’ line.
    Again, Father Stephen interjected to keep things smooth. “Well, I think we need to be going.”
    Hoover’s placatory smile had waned. “Yes. I have a great deal of work to attend to.”
    Iris saw them to the door. Father Stephen turned to her. “I will send you a vid of the next service, as always. I do hope Thomas is able to sit through sermons soon. He needs the support faith will offer him.”
    Iris nodded. “I hope that will happen too, Father.”
    Fat chance. Thomas’ last attempt to go to church had ended badly. Even with a bag full of trains and sitting in the mostly empty balcony, he had been too excited by his new surroundings to settle down. His yells, running, and finally an attempt to drop an arrangement of flowers on the pews of worshippers seated below had ended the Jensons’ churchgoing on Haven. Thank goodness attending services wasn’t mandatory, as it had been on Earth.
    “Stay warm,” Iris called out after the men as they boarded the governor’s shuttle. Then she closed and locked the door with a relieved sigh.
    It was only then that Iris noticed her small home computer. Sitting on the kitchen counter, it blinked with a vid message. She went over to it.
    “Play message.”
    Jol suddenly appeared before her. Iris’ breath caught as she looked up at his image. Goodness, the man was handsome in an overwhelming virile way. So intense too, much like his Imdiko Rivek. The one difference between the two was that the Kalquorian priest didn’t seem as if he was barely restraining natural violence.
    The recorded Jol bowed. “Good day, Matara Iris. I have repaired your heating unit and the border shielding is in place and operational. You will find the program for activating it on the computer.”
    Thomas was suddenly next to Iris. He tugged on

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