Alice 1
create whatever life you desire. The power to lift you into the
glory of wisdom and light.
    “Carl! Feel the power within you.
    “Feel it grow strong.
    “Feel the power of your inner being lift your
body up into the glory of wisdom and light.
    “Arise into the glory of wisdom and light.
    And he arose, with a little help from me. My
Shadow hands have grown strong over the years but this was testing
their limit. Gasps and tiny cries from the girls.
    “Carl! Feel the power within you.
    “Feel the power surging through all the wonders
of your being.
    “Use the power to rise even higher, even higher
into the glory of wisdom and light
    And he arose a few more inches off the floor.
The girls stared with open mouths.
    “Now allow your body to slowly return to the
earth of your birth.
    “Always remember the power you now feel. Use
that immense power to create the life you have always wanted, and
to empower the lives of others.”
    And did the same for Sylvia, Sally and
    It transformed them in a very deep way. Carl and
his harem had tears in their eyes when I left. No more Buddha
grins. What started just a fun time for me was a powerful
experience for them.
    But what about unintended consequences? If I
worried about those, I’d never get out of bed.
    Never thought about it before but maybe some
of that spooky stuff in the tabloids at the checkout counter really
do happen. Most peddlers of the supernatural are fake of course,
taking advantage of the needy and the adventurous for money, power
and sex. But maybe belief in the supernatural has stayed alive over
the centuries because there really are a few people who have the
    During the next few weeks Jimmy Taylor was a big
help arranging tests to get me out of those boring first and second
year beginner courses. I’ve passed Phil. 101 and 102, and Psych.
102, 110 and 111, and am working on Psych. 155 and 156. I like the
little, red-headed leprechaun.
    I took his advice to sit in on a few of the
first and second year courses to see if any were worth doing. Only
found one, the Psychology of Adjustment class taught by Dr. Kinnie.
A great teacher and he wrote the textbook, 60 Psychological
Adventures . I was hoping the class would go on
the sexual adventure in Part 3 but Dr. Kinnie and the University of
California are a little shy. David bought a copy and is getting the
candles, incense and blankets ready.
    I’m going to take Dr. Kinnie’s Advanced
Psychology of Adjustment class in the fall. Yes, he wrote the
textbook, Psychological
Maps .

    Arlene invited me for bacon and scrambled eggs.
I told her I found a job so won’t have any trouble paying the rent
and thanked her again for her kindness. She began to talk about the
men in her life. There haven’t been any for a while. Sometimes
she’s glad and sometimes she misses a man to care for her.
    I did the dishes and asked if she knew a place
where I could get my hair done. There‘s one not far and she offered
to go with me. She needs her’s done, and a whole lot more. She’s a
    At the beauty shop she decided my nails
needed a little help but I said no, maybe later. She assumed I
didn’t have the money and insisted on paying. She’s obviously not
rich. I have to find a way to get a little money in her life. Clean
her up. Maybe help her get a good man.
    That fifth door on the left may or may not be
Karla’s office, no name plate. He was there in the afternoon. Told
him I wanted to give Arlene $80,000. without her knowing it came
from me.
    He fired up his computer, which I imagine
accesses quite an impressive data base. It didn’t take long to come
up with a plan. Arlene has an Uncle Fred who never existed but died
anyway and left her $80,325.24. I gave him a check and he promised
to have her inheritance in the mail by tomorrow afternoon, from a
lawyer in Wisconsin.
    I think I’ll explore

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