Across the Ocean

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Book: Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Sosbee
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one heck of a charming smile. He kind of reminds me of the actor Adam Brody.
    “Nice to meet you. I ’m Gunnar.” He sounds so good humored. I can tell I’m going to like him already. He has an adorable head of thick, black, curly hair. I can’t see what color his eyes are through his aviators, but he has absolutely perfect teeth. He’s rocking facial hair in the form of a goatee and a mustache, as well.
    “My name is Helgi . Nice to meet you.”
    I shake Helgi ’s hand also, and besides seeing that he has brown hair and a nice stubble across his cheeks, it’s kind of hard to see him too much. He’s twisted back in the seat in front of me. Soon he cranes his head to face the front again and places a video camera aiming toward the windshield on the dashboard. I guess he’s filming the drive.
    We’ve been driving for a few hours now and it’s getting a little easier to bear. Gunnar and Helgi have been playing some great music and introducing me to many artists I’ve never heard of before. I’m loosening up a bit, and even though part of my awareness is completely stuck on Ari, I think I’m doing a pretty good job of acting like everything is fine.
    Lára and I are even discussing some things and singing along with songs we know that are playing. I don ’t know why I sound surprised; she is a great person. I have to give her credit, too. She has been making an effort to be friendly to me, even knowing that I have a special something with her boyfriend. She must really trust him, I guess.
    Helgi has had the video camera recording during most of the trip so far, filming the view and scenery as we drive. This country is just simply stunning. Mountains and valleys hug the coastline, and the green of the grass is so vibrant that it’s almost unreal. Clouds look to be so much lower in the sky and move so fast that I keep tripping out about it.
    We pass large farms along the way and see huge round white things scattered all across the fields. It reminds me of the obstacles you have to jump over in a Mario game or something. Gunnar informs me that they are how they store the harvested hay. They’re bales of hay wrapped in white, shiny plastic.
    Old farms and houses that are falling apart can be seen randomly during the ride . The scenery is enough to help me relax. Maybe I should just stare at the window with my mouth shut for the rest of the ride. Would that be rude?
    My window is half open and thankfully , the weather isn’t too cold. Dark strands of my hair whip around my head, and I brush some of it behind my ear to try and sneak a casual glance at Ari around Lára. He’s just staring out his window. I don’t think he’s said very much during this trip.
    He was completely silent after Lára brought up which guys were single in Tálknafjörður. She also included her personal opinions on which of them she found attractive and which I should probably hit on. I can ’t imagine its fun for him to hear these things.
    Apparently, there is a guy named Baldvin (Lára had to repeat his name a few times before I could understand that it didn ’t sound any different from Baldwin) that she considered the best choice for me. I guess he’s a photographer who is also color blind. She thinks he’s funny. If he’s attractive, maybe I’ll have to hit on him.
    The rest of the trip I mostly just watch the landscape fly by. The mountains are so steep in some places and come so close to the ocean. It ’s such a dramatic landscape, with the black sand on the mountains running down to meet the super green grass. The contrast between the bright blue sky and the quickly passing white clouds is remarkable and vibrant. I’ve never seen any place like this. There are fields of old, black, hardened lava with green moss growing over them. Surely there are elves running amok in there.
    We even pass a dormant volcano, and could see the famous glacier Snæfellsjökull ( oh, I know. It’s a mouthful) in the far distance.

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