Across the Ocean

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Book: Across the Ocean by Heather Sosbee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Sosbee
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driving conditions of the massively pot-holed road. Because all of these roads are so far out in the middle of nowhere, I suppose that it’s hard to come by funding to pave the roads completely.
    Keeping an eye on the scenery outside, I hold onto the handgrip above the door as we start to bounce over several deep potholes. It’s a one-way road, with very little room to maneuver on each side. In many spots, if we were to drive a little too far over the edge of the road, we would certainly flip and roll in the car down the steep hills and cliffs. I’m the most freaked out at the thought of crashing into the ocean. Careful driving is very important, and Gunnar is handling it like a champ. It looks as though we are no longer in the town anymore but on the outskirts, right next to a beautiful, white sand beach.
    Driving up a steep incline, we make a turn to the right, where I see a small shack with a trio of hot pools. We park next to the building and climb out of the car with our bags. The walls of the unit are made of a vibrant oak wood, with a beautiful honey hue. I think the roof is made out of aluminum and is painted bright red. I walk up to the shack and check out the hot pools.
    There are three rectangular or square shapes in total, all with varying depths. The one nearest me is the deepest, and based on the huge amounts of steam rolling off the water, it is also the hottest. There is a much more shallow long rectangular pool connected to the deep one, and there are grooves in their walls so that the water from the hottest one can flow down into the shallow pool. The angling of the flooring allows for laying on your back, submerged to your neck comfortably with your head resting on the edge.
    There is a little walkway, and one more square shaped pool that has been built so that people can sit submerged and relax with their feet in front of them. A water hose is pouring into that pool, and I imagine it’s helping to regulate the temperature. All three pools have been paved and painted a turquoise color. There is also green algae growing on the walls of the pools. That’s kind of gross, but I’ve heard that there are types of algae that are very good for your skin.
    Taking in my surroundings, I ’m impressed with how everything around me is in Technicolor. The sky is perfect blue, clouds impossibly white, any vegetation visible is impossibly green. My eyes almost feel like they’ve stepped into a warped version of Oz.
    Ari walks up beside me and points to the middle of three doors on the building and says “You want to go in there to change. It ’s the women’s dressing room.” Lára takes his advice, even though I’m sure she’s been here before, and I follow her in.
    This room is literally just a small space where people get changed together with little to no privacy. The floors are made of concrete, and there are hooks put along a hanging height across the walls for hanging towels and bags. I can easily hear the guys in the room next to us getting changed, and I suppose I am going to just have to suck it up. I’ve a huge sense of modesty, so sue me.
    Hanging my bag on a hook on the wall, I slip off my shoes, and then pull my shirt over my head and off. Maybe if I take my time, Lára will be finished before me and I can change in peace. I take a quick peek in her direction to see how far along she is with changing.
    Lára is a pretty girl. She has long black hair, probably to at least the middle of her back. I’d say she is about 5’6 and her waist is absolutely tiny, especially next to her ample breasts. Her eyes are a lovely shade of green, sometimes reminding me of hazel. She’s really pretty pleasant to look at, except sometimes when she smiles.
    She is British and Icelandic, and doesn ’t really have the best teeth. She more than makes up for it with her funny sense of humor, and how down to earth she is. Ari is really lucky to have her, regardless of her teeth.
    She ’s finishing tying the strings

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