A Workplace Affair

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Book: A Workplace Affair by Isabella Rae Read Free Book Online
Authors: Isabella Rae
“Keep that up and we’ll be talking after round two.” Oops, I kiss lightly where I bit him, causing him to groan. “Victoria, if you want to talk, you better get on with it and stop with the foreplay.” I contemplate for half a second before sitting up.
    “What did you mean when you said you saw me at karaoke?” He stretches before answering causing the sheets to ride lower on his perfect body.
    “That’s what you want to talk about? Ok, I saw you singing karaoke last Friday night. When I got to the hotel, I was bored. I asked some little girl at the front desk for a dive bar, and she directed me to a little karaoke bar with promises of great entertainment. I think she was hoping to see me there because she showed up around eleven; she was very hard to hide from. The only entertainment I found was you.” I’m still trying to not let my jealousy get the better of me when the last sentence hits me.
    “I’m so glad you found my humiliation so entertaining.” I let my comment drip with sarcasm, if he missed it, he’s not as smart as he seems.
    “Shut up. You know for someone so beautiful, you have a unique sense of humor.” He rolls me on top of him laughing.
    “Don’t be jealous, not everyone can be as awesome as me.” At this point I’m straddling him, and quickly becoming aroused by his morning erection pressing against me.
    “Baby, I’ll show you awesome.” Before he can say anything else, I move quickly and seamlessly slide down onto his erection. I enjoy the feeling of his fullness inside me before I start to move slowly up and down. He moves his hands to my hips, and seeing his intentions I grab the headboard and hold on tight. I’ll be damned if he’s going to take control this time. Understanding that I will not be moved from my position, he moves his hands and unties my robe, exposing my breasts to the cool air-conditioned room. He slides himself up into a sitting position against the headboard and latches on to my right breast, using his tongue to tease my nipple until it’s achingly hard. Not wanting to make the other breast feel left out, he moves to the other side and does the same there. Just as I’m beginning to get my rhythm going he says something that all but stops me.
    “I want to taste you, Victoria. Please, let me taste you.” I’ve slowed down and loosened my grip on the headboard enough that he rocks to his right and, once again, has me underneath him. Pulling out of me slowly, he kisses his way down my belly to the most sensitive part of my body. He flicks his tongue across me softly, teasing me. Then he alternates, tongue, kiss, suck, blow, each movement pushing me closer and closer to the edge. He works this way for what seems like an eternity, building me up until it’s almost too much to handle. My body is aching for him; I want to feel his fullness inside me again. He doesn’t disappoint me. Moving quickly, he slams into me hard driving me over the edge and into the bliss of ecstasy. As I clench around him he pumps hard and fast. He brings himself to climax about two minutes after me, just as the waves of my own orgasm begin to fade away. He collapses on top of me and I feel the need for a cigarette, there’s just one problem; I don’t smoke.
    “Sorry, but you didn’t give me a chance to use a condom.”
    “I’m on birth control, and I haven’t been with anyone in over a year, I’m clean.”
    “Me too, I can show you if you want.”
    “I don’t need to see a piece of paper.”
    He pulls me to his chest again, and we cuddle together for about an hour before he picks me up and carries me to the bathroom for another shower. Turning on the water he leaves me alone as he returns to the bedroom. I can faintly hear him talking to someone, and then he’s at the doorway again in all his naked glory. Not wanting him to know I heard him, I don’t say anything, but the curiosity is killing me. On his way to the shower, he stops and gives me a sweet kiss and slaps my

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