A Terrible Beauty (Season of the Furies Book 1)

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Book: A Terrible Beauty (Season of the Furies Book 1) by Stephanie Patterson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Patterson
Danvers called out to them from a distance and Katherine looked her companions over with a critical eye. “We’ll discuss this another time. Put your smiles in place and say nothing. She straightened her shoulders and followed her own advice, holding out a welcoming hand to Lord Danvers.
    Araby remained in shocked silence, unable to so much move or even turn her head from the receding carriage. She didn’t know what frightened her more, the absolute hatred in Rafe Kingsford’s face, or the fact that Michael Lassiter had been there to witness it.
    “Damn, me, Kingsford, what the devil was that about?” Arlington mopped his brow nervously, then shoved his handkerchief back into the breast pocket of his evening coat. “Teasing the little chits is one thing, man, but for all intents and purposes, you called those young ladies whores. That sort of thing isn’t done. No offense my dears,” he added belatedly to the demimondes in the carriage.
    “None taken,” Nell Hargrave purred as she cuddled up against Michael. She was beautiful, sought after and very, very expensive. At the moment she left him completely unmoved. He was still thinking about Arabella Winston’s pale face. There had been nothing teasing in Kingsford’s regard of the three young ladies. Although the man cared less for convention than Michael himself did, Rafe Kingsford had never seemed to be the sort who enjoyed terrifying females. He enjoyed bedding them too much.
    “I hate to think what will happen if Vivian, Lady Bellwood, hears how you insulted her daughter, not that Seaton will be any happier about Lady Arabella.”
    Kingsford shrugged and pulled a flask out of his pocket. “Seaton knows my direction, if he cares to find it.”
    Michael watched him closely. The other man was seething. Michael had ordered the driver to move on because he feared if they’d remained even a moment longer, Kingsford would have physically accosted Arabella Winslow. The question was, why? “You’ve taken exception to Lady Arabella. Care to explain, yourself?”
    Kingsford gave him a dark look. “It’s a private matter, Lassiter, and best kept that way. Let’s say I’ve no stomach for any of those little bitches and leave it at that.”
    “Now I recall,” Arlington nodded. “You’re sister, Damaris, debuted with the chits, didn’t she? Flirted a bit with someone they fancied, eh? I’ve heard they have a bite like an adder when they take a set against someone. Is that it, Kingsford? Did your sister run afoul of them?”
    “I said, its a private matter,” Kingsford snapped, “and I’ll thank both of you not to bandy my sister’s name about.” The beauty seated next to him tried to sooth him but he shook her off. She took one look at his face and decided it would be a safer strategy to ease away.
    “Steady on, Kingsford,” Arlington continued. “There’s no need to get upset. It was just an observation, that’s all. Besides, your sister had the last laugh, what? She married Arland and she’ll be a duchess one day, won’t she?” Arlington laughed loudly. “Damned if the joke’s not on those girls.”
    Kingsford’s eyes narrowed. “True enough, Skeffy. The joke is most assuredly is on them.”
    Michael felt his jungle instincts stir. Rafe Kingsford was not a man who let an injury go unanswered and if Araby and her friends had done something to his sister, he would make them regret it. As much as he tried to deny it, Araby Winston had aroused his protective instincts today. Judging from Ambrose’s remarks last week and Kingsford’s reaction today the chit had gotten herself into some fix and Michael was determined to find out what the hell it all meant.

Chapter Four
    He watched her glide down the street with a bearing that rivaled Queen Victoria, herself. Lady Arabella clearly fancied herself the royalty of Bond Street this morning. Every now and then she tipped her head with condescension as she acknowledged this or that

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