A Taste of Temptation (Love Spectrum Romance)

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Book: A Taste of Temptation (Love Spectrum Romance) by Reneé Alexis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reneé Alexis
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guess, but not around other students.”
    “Good I’ll make the paper a good one…Tim.”
    “I know you will. You’re incredibly talented.”
    She smiled. “Are you trying to say you like my mind?”
    * * *
    “So, how’s Moll Flanders coming along, Brandi?”
    “Good, actually. I have the paper right here.”
    “Didn’t take you too long.”
    “That information you gave me was so helpful. Thank you so much for that.”
    “Anytime. Now, let’s see the paper.” She watched him while he read, smiling at times, agreeing at times on her comments about Moll’s strong and willful personality. “This is nice. You really captured Moll’s persona from what I’ve read so far. She was rough, uncouth, but basically a victim of the times. I think your paper is going to be excellent. You have put in more in about her personality, and how that way of life affected her.”
    “You know all of that already?”
    “I read quickly. From the first two pages, I knew you were on the right track. I’ll read it later, then record it.”
    “You think I may have gotten my A?”
    He smiled at her. “Brandi, I haven’t read the rest of it. I’m sure your A is on its way.”
    “I just hope you’ll say that at the end of the paper.” He watched as she grabbed her backpack. “Are you in a hurry to leave?”
    “Not really. Why?”
    “There are some things I would like to discuss with you.”
    That rattled her, thinking he still had issues about her blurting out her inner thoughts to him the other day. “What’s going on?”
    “There’s a lecture being held in White Plains weekend after next. There will be discussions on William Bradford, Defoe, all the writers from that era. I was wondering if you’d like to join me? You can take your own car and follow me if you like.”
    “White Plains? That’s a distance. I’ll let you know. Besides working with the adult literacy program on Fridays, I also work at the bookstore every third Saturday.”
    “Maybe you can get out of it that day. I really think this will help since my class is centering on the romance and renaissance eras. Certainly, your papers in the near future will center on some of those authors. Might be good for you.”
    Being up there with the renowned Timothy Edward Polaris and fighting to keep her distance would be hard. Tim brought on a lot of drama that she was not in the mood for.
    “Let me know what you want to do. By the way, you’ll be at this weekend’s Special Olympics fund-raiser, won’t you?”
    “I wouldn’t miss it, and we’ll beat out Rutgers for top donations.”
    “We always do. Good luck with your paper, Brandi. I’m sure you did everything I wanted you to.”
    He exhaled once he was alone. Why did he feel so out of sorts in her presence? The only answer was that she was incredible in every thinkable way, and she learned so fast. He knew her paper was good just from reading one section. Everything was good about Brandi, but she was still that awful taboo in his life. The way his life was, he would only make her miserable, and she would end up leaving him anyway after learning about of his past. No, he couldn’t let anyone into that ever again. It was his to deal with and his alone. He walked into the oppressive heat with her still on his mind.
    * * *
    When Tim reached the multi purpose area of Miller Hall, Monica was already there, counting the minutes. He rushed in. “Sorry I’m late, truck issues. What’s up with the supplies?”
    “The list for the textbooks and note pads are all wrong. Where were you when the order came in? You were supposed to be here a half-hour ago.”
    “I was caught up with Miss Miles, helping her to get a paper together.”
    “Brandi? Is she still having trouble?”
    “She’s on that scholarship, Monica, and if she goes below a B average she can kiss it good-bye.”
    “She’ll work it out.” She quickly cast Brandi’s problems aside, “Here, take a look at these. We can’t use

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