A Taste of Temptation (Love Spectrum Romance)

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Book: A Taste of Temptation (Love Spectrum Romance) by Reneé Alexis Read Free Book Online
Authors: Reneé Alexis
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you’re waiting for him to knock you over the head and drag you into a cave.”
    “I told you he’s helping me with my papers, and that’s all it is.”
    “Let a tutor help you.”
    She looked at him as if he had finally turned into the caveman he had accused Tim of being. “I already told you he can give me a better perspective on my papers, since he’s teaching the class. Why can’t you understand that?”
    “Because there’s more to it than that, and you know it.”
    “I don’t know or care what your problem is with him; I can only assume it’s that D you got on his last test. Don’t take it out on him.”
    “Why are you protecting him? You’re into white dudes now?”
    “Don’t go there. It never solves anything. All it does is bring out ignorance.” She threw her napkin on the table. “I need a bathroom break, if that’s okay with you—master! You and I are going to try and have a normal conversation when I return; if not, you can leave right now. Understand?”
    He pushed his plate away. “Oh, I see how it is. You would never talk to white boy Floyd that way. And here you go basically flying in the damn air to get to him, but I had to work my butt off to get you to come here with me tonight.”
    “Exactly where is all of this coming from? I’m not the one who messed up our relationship. Dr. Polaris did not sleep with my girlfriend. You did. So get off of his back!”
    “Bringing that up again?”
    “Darn right. When or if you become Mr. Perfect in my life, then you can talk to me like this. Other than that, don’t push it. I didn’t come here to get into this with you.”
    “Then tell me this, Miss Brandi, queen of the freakin’ universe, who did he sleep with? Better yet, who would he like to sleep with? Yeah, he looks like the type to get some of that black blood and sip on it until he’s drunk from it. Then perhaps go home to his pretty white wife and do it all again.”
    “Drop dead, Eric!”
    As Brandi hurried away from him, he realized he had put his foot in his mouth. That wasn’t the way to get Brandi back in his life—if that was to ever happen again.
    Getting away from Eric consumed her, but as she approached Tim’s table, all thoughts of Eric vanished. “Dr. Polaris, I thought that was you.”
    He stood, taking her hand. “Miss Miles, how are you?”
    “Fine. Eric and I were out and decided to come in. I saw you and wanted to say hello. Thanks again for helping me with the paper.”
    “No problem.”
    “It was an A, exactly what I need.”
    “The paper was actually very good. It flowed, and I like how you centered on Moll’s personality, helping the reader understand her instead of her tactics.” He looked across at Eric who was staring at him. “Are you two okay with one another? I’ve heard you two going at it a few times before.”
    She shrugged. “He and I disagree on everything, it seems.”
    “Are you two dating?” He backed off realizing he was digging too deep. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to ask that.”
    “No, that’s okay. We were dating. He has issues to work out but he’s…well, he’s Eric. What can I say?”
    His eyes cut to Eric’s. “Just be careful. He has a bit of a temper.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “He didn’t make the final cut for the basketball team, and he walked out, slamming the door and mumbling obscenities. I chalked it up to his immaturity.”
    “I’m sorry he did that to you.”
    “What for? It wasn’t you.”
    “I don’t know what Eric’s deal is, but his words and actions have always gotten him in trouble. Anyway, I should let you finish your dinner. I wanted to say hello.”
    “Glad you did.”
    When Brandi returned from the bathroom, Eric was gone.
    Tim stopped her. “Brandi, I saw Eric walk out after paying the bill. Is he waiting for you in the car?”
    “I don’t know. We didn’t make any arrangements.”
    “Check it out. If he’s not there, come back and I’ll take you home.”
    She smiled, “He’s

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