A Soldier for Keeps

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Book: A Soldier for Keeps by Jillian Hart Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jillian Hart
see why his sister liked it here so much.
    The dormitory emerged into sight from behind tall trees, all four stories aglow. Lexie was up there on the top floor, probably with her ankle elevated. Was shestudying? Reading? Watching TV? He didn’t like that he was wondering. He didn’t like the strange dull ache in his chest.
    “Thanks for the ride,” the two girls said almost in unison as they hopped out of the truck after Giselle.
    He let the engine idle, bolstering himself for his sister’s parting words. He didn’t doubt she would take a shot about Lexie.
    “I’ll meet you tomorrow at ten sharp for Sunday service.” That was all she said, but judging by the delight dancing in her eyes, she hadn’t given up her fight to find a reason for him to become a civilian.
    He waited while the defroster fought at the film of fog rimming the windshield, made worse by the influx of damp air. Giselle hurried along with her friends, talking and laughing. He knew their big talk was coming; his stomach hardened and the armor went up. He feared tomorrow she would sit him down and force him to talk about Tim.
    Sorrow hit him like a freight train, sending him spinning. He shut out the image of Tim’s flag-draped coffin and of the other coffins over the course of his service. He pushed away those feelings, watching as the windshield blurred. Rain smeared on the glass, falling in giant sloppy drops. He flipped on the wipers and caught Giselle disappearing through the doors, safely in her dorm for the night.
    If you cared about someone, it hurt more when you lost them. He put the truck in gear and circled around, headlights cutting a swatch of light through the dark. He’d come close to caring about Lexie today. She’d gotten too close to the vulnerable part of him. Hewasn’t used to it. He didn’t like it. She made him way too uncomfortable.
    That gave him something to think about on the drive back to the hotel.
    Thunder resounded through the sky above and echoed in the church vestibule as Lexie balanced on her crutches. Sweet strains from the choir’s opening hymn rose through the open doors to the sanctuary. Hail broke out, dropping like nails on the cathedral roof above.
    “We made it just in time.” Amber slipped out of her coat, ignoring the drips as she reached for Lexie’s crutches. “I’ll hold these if you want to take off your coat.”
    “I owe you big-time for this.” Lexie’s ankle had swollen so badly, she’d almost considered missing the service. “I’m thankful you volunteered to drive me.”
    “I’m just glad I could help you for a change. You’ve done so much for me.” Amber took both coats and hung them up.
    The sound of hail reverberated through the sanctuary as they made their way in. The aisles brimmed with students, faculty and families from town. Lexie tried to keep focused on not making too much noise with her crutches, but her thoughts drifted back to last night and Pierce’s touch.
    It was not the sweetest moment of her life, really, she told herself. Maybe if she said that enough, she’d believe it. It was worth a try, right? She hopped into a back row, slid her crutches under the pew and straightened for the rest of the hymn. Her ankle was throbbing, but that could work for her. It would keep her mind off Pierce.
    Amber opened a hymnal and leaned close, sharing it. Lexie took her side of the book and held it open. Her eyes were supposed to focus on the page and make sense of the notes and the words, but did they?
    No. For some inexplicable reason her gaze strayed up the end aisle to where a brown-haired man with impressive shoulders and perfect posture stood attentively singing. A shock of tender emotion zinged through her, both surprising and unsettling because she didn’t want to feel this way.
    Don’t look at him, Lexie, she thought, ordering her gaze to the hymnal, but it was too late. She was singing the last notes of the hymn along with everyone else and there was nowhere to

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