A Sinister Game

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Book: A Sinister Game by Heather Killough-Walden Read Free Book Online
Authors: Heather Killough-Walden
you can not at least equal.”
    “I don’t believe you.”
    His smile was back. “Yes you do, Victoria.”
    Shit . He was right. She did believe him . She believed him b ecause he had never lied to her. Not even in the midst of all of this .
    Victoria stood and met his gaze head on. For what seemed like a short eternity, they stared at one another across the aisle in that library – Red and Black, the two most powerful Game leaders in history, head to head in one tiny, neutral space within the Playing Field wall.
    Finally, Victoria took a deep, steadying breath and steeled her nerves.
    There was nothing for it. She had no choice. Victor Blac k would not back down on this, a nd things would only get worse.
    “Very well,” she said.
    There was a wealth of promise in the victorious look that flashed across Black’s handsome features. There was anticipation, too.
    A tremor raced through Victoria’s body as she recalled the feel of him above her, pinning her to her bed, his lips on her throat , her breast, h is teeth around her nipple . Warmth spread through her , and she was helpless to suppress the blush that rushed up her neck and into her cheeks.
    Victor took it all in with steady, dominant grace. And then he pulled his glove off and held his right hand out , palm up.
    Victoria swallowed hard . Finally, she nodded and slowly placed her own right hand a top his , palm-down . His fingers at once curled around her , locking her in the embrace .
    S he felt the cold power o f his hold rush up into her flesh . Sh e countered it with her own power, and heat met cold; fire met ice.
    He held their embrace as he laid down the law . “You have until night fall, Victoria . Do whatever you can to get as far away from me as possible , b ecause when that sun goes down love , I’m coming for you.” He lowered his voice to a whisper, his grip tightening on her hand. “Run like the devil is on your heels, beautiful . T onight, he will be.”
    With that, he let her go. And in another forbidden display of power, his form shimmered and disappeared into the dusty atmosphere of the TGB library.

Chapter Six
    Six hours… I have six hours before the sun goes down.
    Victoria ran at breakneck speed through the halls of the TGB toward the transporters. Her thoughts were moving almost as fast. They blurred through her mind as she considered one idea, found a flaw in it, and tossed it out the proverbial window for the next one.
    Her raging emotions didn’t help matters. There were so many different feelings vying for control over her body that she felt a little like oil on water – iridescent with different colors, soaked in a bucket load of trouble, floating directionless with her feet nowhere near the ground.
    She was frustrated at the Game police for never being around when Black broke one of Game Control’s rules. She was astounded at how powerful the Gray leader had become. She was confused as to why he’d kept it secret this long and had chosen now, of all times, to come forward with t his challenge. She was curious as to why he’d chosen her to help him attempt an overthrow of Game Control. She was definitely angry with herself for falling so easily into his trap.
    And most of all, she was afraid. She was afraid she wouldn’t find a place to hide in time. She was afraid that he would find her and overpower her and she would lose. She was afraid of what one night in Black’s bed would do to her, both physically and mentally…. And she was certain, absolutely certain, that going up against Game Control would mean True Death .
    So she ran as fast as she could. She needed to get back to the Red tower and pack a few thing s, just a few essential things.
    She accidentally bumped into another Gamer as he was leaving one of the transporters, and in the midst of muttering a quick apology, she glanced up to find herself once more st aring into Maxwell Blood’s piercing blue eyes.
    “Victoria!” He reached out and steadied

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