A Shade of Vampire

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Book: A Shade of Vampire by Bella Forrest Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bella Forrest
Tags: Romance, Fantasy, Young Adult, Vampires, cookie429, Extratorrents, Kat
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vamps crave her.” Lucas ’ gaze traveled from her face to her body. “The pathetic loser wouldn ’ t have been able to resist.”
    The lust was unmistakable. He was practically undressing her with those eyes and I could tell that Sofia felt it based on how she sat there tense and unmoving.
    I wanted to tackle my brother to the ground, but was certain that it would only serve to earn Sofia his ire.
    “Why are you here, Lucas?”
    That effectively snapped his attention back to me.
    “As much as I would like to say that I missed having you around, little brother, I really didn ’ t.” He sighed. “Vivienne asked that we meet. No better time than today to let you know what you ’ re up against now that you ’ re awake.”
    “What exactly am I up against?” I raised a brow, leaning back on my seat as I took another sip from my glass of blood. “And where is Vivienne?”
    “Busy doing heaven knows what.” Lucas fished for something from his pocket and threw it my way.
    I caught it and stared at it. It looked like a metal slate of sorts. What it was for, I had no idea.
    “What is this ?”
    “It ’ s a cellphone. You use it to call people, text them. A communication device.” He once again laid his eyes on Sofia. “I ’ m sure your teenage lovely here is perfectly capable of teaching you how to use it.”
    He brushed the back of his hand against Sofia ’ s jawline and she instinctively moved away from his touch. Of course, that only amused Lucas. The moment I saw this, an unmistakable fury boiled up within me. I tried to control my temper.
    “I ’ d appreciate that you not touch her. As I ’ ve already made clear this morning, I do not like it when others mess with what is mine.” There was an edge to my voice – one that I knew my brother was very familiar with.
    The amused expression on Lucas ’ face disappeared and the atmosphere immediately tensed.
    “And if I continue to take liberties with her, what exactly will you do, Derek? Would you really go against your own brother for her sake?”
    I knew what he was playing at, testing my loyalties, but I knew how to play this game. I wanted to believe that we were still gentlemen after all.
    “Give me this courtesy, Lucas. I do not know why, but I ’ m drawn to her. Consider her your gift to me.”
    Lucas backed down. “It ’ s only appropriate I guess. After all, it was me who found her.”
    He took one last look at Sofia and removed his arm from her seat. He set his focus straight on me. “And what exactly do you plan to do with my gift?”
    I looked at Sofia and knew from the way she was gazing at me that she too wanted to know the answer to that question.
    “I expect her to school me in whatever I missed during my sleep. She ’ s of great value to me in that aspect. I also plan to take her to the Crimson Fortress to train her to fight.”
    “What?!” It wasn ’ t only Lucas who reacted, but also Vivienne, who had just stepped into the room. Apparently, they felt quite free to enter my quarters whenever they pleased.
    Vivienne gave Sofia a wary glance as she took a seat beside me. “Why would you train her to fight? She ’ s a slave, Derek. That makes no sense.”
    “I intend to keep her for a long time. If she ’ s to stay with me, she needs to know how to defend herself.”
    “How can you trust her not to use that against you?” Lucas shot at me.
    “She won ’ t. I can trust her.” I stared pointedly at her. “Can ’ t I, Sofia?”
    It was more a statement than a question. She gave it a moment ’ s thought and though I knew neither my brother nor sister were convinced she was telling the truth, I fully believed her when she said, “You can.”

Chapter 13: Sofia
    I will never forget that conversation at Derek ’ s dining table on my first “morning” at the Blood Shade. For one, it was the first conversation I sat through where the people surrounding me talked about me and my future as if I wasn ’ t present. Only a day

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