A Second Chance at Murder

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Book: A Second Chance at Murder by Diana Orgain Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diana Orgain
bit, like something was wrong with the gravitational pull. It took me a moment to realize that it was me who was off balance. I grabbed at the olive tree for support. “What?” I stuttered. “Why wouldn’t he tell me?”
    â€œI don’t know.” Anger flashed through Dad’s eyes and I knew he had something else to tell me.
    â€œIs there more, Dad?”
    â€œHe knew . . . it was complicated . . .”
    â€œWhat else did he say, Dad? Why didn’t he tell me he was leaving the show . . . was he leaving me, too?”
    Dad embraced me. “I’m so sorry, Peaches. I’m so sorry that he wasn’t man enough to tell you to your face.”
    Humiliation charged my system and suddenly I was flush with resentment. “He broke up with me via an email to you?”
    Dad tsked. “I know this is really tough.”
    â€œWhere’s the email? Did you print it out? Where is it?” I demanded.
    â€œNo, I didn’t print it out, honey. I told you I was in the airport.” He rummaged through his pockets and pulled out his cell phone.
    â€œI’m so glad you finally upgraded phones!” I said.
    Dad scrolled through the screen, searching for the email, and looked flummoxed. Up until recently Dad had carried a flip phone with no Internet access. He said Scott and I had finally convinced him to upgrade, but I knew Cheryl was probably more behind the new phone than either of us.
    â€œWhy didn’t you tell Cheryl about the email?” I asked. “Why the secrecy?”
    â€œIt’s not my business to tell it, is it?” he said.
    He was trying to spare me some embarrassment.
    Dad showed me the email, my eyes clouded over withtears as I read Scott’s brief note. Part of me was relieved; Scott was no longer a missing person.
    The other part of me, though, felt empty; as if a piece of
was missing.
    â€œWe have to tell Sergio right away,” I said.
    There was no reason for the police to be searching for him now . . . except, of course, there was the matter of the dead woman.

    D isbelief and astonishment rolled through me, quickly followed by anger. I’d been worried sick about him, and he didn’t even have the decency to break up with me in person!
    I walked away from my father, staggering as I moved, the emotion overwhelming me.
    â€œYou don’t have anything to prove, Georgia. It’s okay to fall apart in front of me, honey,” Dad said.
    â€œI loved him, Dad.” The tears stuck in my throat and I buried my head in my hands. It suddenly made sense that Scott’s passport was missing. He’d taken it with him. Leaving me intentionally? I wept in my father’s arms.
    â€œHe’s lucky he’s not here,” Dad said through gritted teeth. “I’d kill him.”
    â€¢Â Â Â â€¢Â Â Â â€¢
    D ad and I made our way back into the bar area of the B&B, only to find that the cast and crew had cleared out, leaving Cheryl and Becca alone to chat. Two chilled glasses of sangria sweated in front of them, the condensation dripping down the sides and saturating the tabletop.
    By the way they grew quiet when we entered, I knew they were up to no good.
    â€œI think we’ll need a pitcher of that,” I said, indicating the
    Becca eagerly hailed down the senora who ran the bed-and-breakfast. “
Uno más
,” she said, pointing at me.
    Dad cleared his throat. “
¡Dos más!
    The senora gave me a sympathetic nod and got busy pouring our drinks.
    â€œWhere is everyone?” I asked.
    â€œThere are fiestas in town tonight,” Becca said. “Cheryl gave everyone a pass for the night.” She sipped her
. “Well, I mean, she gave
most everyone
a pass for the night. They’re upstairs getting ready.”
    Cheryl stiffened and I knew that
most everyone
obviously didn’t include Becca.

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