A SEAL in Wolf’s Clothing

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Book: A SEAL in Wolf’s Clothing by Terry Spear Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terry Spear
or Hunter will have your head.”
    Rourke gave her an exasperated look. “Apparently I’m supposed to make up the news,” he said, turning his aggravated expression on Chris.
    “Oh?” She motioned to Chris. “And that’s Chris Tarleton, Rourke’s… mentor and one of Hunter’s sub-leaders.”
    “And you’re at the morgue because…?” Finn asked Rourke, sounding suspicious.
    Rourke frowned at him. “The dead man had newspaper credentials. Chris wanted me to check it out. Who are you?”
    Finn gave him a wry smile. “Finn Emerson, friend and SEAL on Hunter’s team.” He waved toward the dead man. “Go ahead. See if it’s anyone you recognize.”
    “Hell, you’re a SEAL,” Rourke said, looking impressed.
    That was all Finn needed to do to impress Rourke. Ever since Hunter had told Rourke he was a Navy SEAL, Rourke had been proud to share the information—and even prouder to know Hunter.
    Rourke sucked in a deep breath, then headed over to the dead body, studied him for a moment, and then shook his head. “No, I told Chris I’d never heard of the man. Probably someone new or he isn’t from around here.”
    “He has a return ticket to North Carolina, but he might not be from there, either,” the police officer suggested.
    “Let’s see if the Joe we met is still hanging around,” Finn said to Meara.
    The police officer hurried after them. “I’ll follow you over there in case you need my help.”
    “We could help, too,” Rourke added, looking hopeful, as if he was about to find the news story of the century.
    “No.” Meara knew that Rourke was still a reporter at heart, even if he tried to stay out of trouble as a newly turned wolf. She said to Chris, “Take him back to his office. I’m sure a story will come up, and here you’d be at my place, missing out on an article for your paper.”
    Rourke gave her a sour look. “Chris won’t let me report on anything except the weather.”
    Meara smiled. Hunter had gotten himself into a mess of trouble when she had lost him for a time. She had figured that at the rate he was going, he might have turned half the population of Oregon. Good thing she had rejoined him in the nick of time. And he’d always worried about her turning someone on purpose or by accident.
    “I’ll meet you at your place,” the police officer said.
    Chris cast an icy glower at Finn, who just gave him a smug smile back.
    Alpha males .
    As she walked through the basement with Finn, Meara thought about the “Joe” who was supposedly renting her cabin and felt a tightening in her chest.
    “I gave him my rifle,” she whispered, feeling another chill. “If the man was an assassin, why didn’t he take both of us out when he had the chance?”
    “Maybe he’s not the assassin. Maybe he’s really Joe, and that guy…” Finn said, motioning to the morgue, “was the imposter. Also, the assassin would prefer using his own weapon, not someone else’s untried gun.”
    She hadn’t considered that. She had just assumed that the dead man was the good guy and that any weapon the bad guy could use would be sufficient.
    “What’s this business between you and Tarleton?” Finn asked once they were out of earshot of the others.
    “What?” she asked, totally thrown off stride by the question.
    “You heard me. He’s clearly interested in you and hates me, thinking I’m one of your potential suitors.”
    Not believing Finn could think anything of the sort, she shook her head.
    “Are you shaking your head because you don’t think he’s interested in you or because you don’t think he believes I’m a potential suitor?”
    “Get serious.”
    “I’m damned serious.”
    She cast him an annoyed expression. “According to you, everyone is interested in me. So why don’t I have a mate?”
    He gave her a conceited smile. “You’re a handful.”
    She snorted, then added for his benefit, “Well, I’m not interested in him, if it’s any of your business. Chris is the most

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