Finding Ever After

Read Online Finding Ever After by Stephanie Hoffman McManus - Free Book Online

Book: Finding Ever After by Stephanie Hoffman McManus Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Hoffman McManus
“I’d bet that you don’t. You’ve got the rebel girl hair going, but you’re
peaches and cream, so sweet. You practically sparkle with innocence.” I think
that was a compliment, at least I was choosing to take it as one.
“Nah, she’s not a virgin.” My jaw dropped at Kyden’s blatant declaration.
“Excuse me?” He just smirked
“Tattoo virgin, Princess.” He clarified.
Ugh! I wanted to knock that salacious
grin off his face.
“She’s got ink. I’d bet Red on it.”
“It’s a guitar Princess, belonged to Stevie Ray Vaughan.” Wow, he was pretty
sure of himself. How could he be so presumptuous?
“Please tell me he’s wrong Rainbow, I want that guitar. It’s like a crown jewel
of guitars.” I looked from him to Kyden, and back to meet his hopeful face.
                “Jazz?” Even Sebastian was anxious to know.
“Sorry Spade, he gets to keep the guitar.”
“Damn it man. How did you know?”
                “Lucky guess.” I was skeptical about that. He had been
too confident for it to have been just luck.
“So Rainbow, where is it?”
“What makes you think there’s only one?”
“Shit, girls with tattoos are so damn sexy. How many you got?”
                “More than one.”
“Oh come, on! Where are they?”
“Nowhere you’re going to see.”
“Aw, you’re killing me Rainbow. Help me out Ky. ” Kyden
looked me dead in the eye, with that unmistakable confidence.
                “Nope. I’ll see them eventually.” His dead serious
tone and wicked smile sent a jolt of longing straight to my core, and I had to
fight not to betray my calm façade.
                “In your dreams.” Quite possibly in
mine as well. Crap. I really needed to get control of myself. I
was not this girl.
“You don’t want to know what’s in my dreams Princess. It’d make your cheeks
turn that adorable bright red and then I’d be tempted to show you just what
that does to me, and that would be very bad in a room full of people” I felt
the blush rise up my neck and spread onto my face. I pulled my bottom lip
between my teeth to keep myself from gasping.
“Hey Ky , where’s Kaylie?”
Bas barked out. Always my protector. I didn’t want
this though, they were friends. I couldn’t let Kyden’s lascivious behavior get
to me. If I could remain indifferent then he’d get bored and move on. I had to
make it clear nothing was going to happen between us.
Kyden fixed a pointed look on Bas who just ignored it and stood up to get in
his face. “Don’t give me that Ky. I already told you
to keep your shit away from her, so back the fuck off
and go find Kaylie.” The hostility was rolling off Bas in waves. Everyone in
our circle was focused on Kyden to see how he would react. He was a mass of
tightly wound anger, but he didn’t so much as blink.
His eyes just bore into Bas’s , a silent conversation
taking place between the two.
I wasn’t going to wait for one of them to snap or say something they’d regret.
“Relax Bas, Kyden’s just screwing around and I can take care of myself. Both of
you need to just drop it. Nothing, and I mean nothing
is going to happen.” Still neither one spoke or moved. I didn’t know what else
to do. This is not how I imagined my first night back going.
Finally Chris, who must have walked into the kitchen sometime during the heated
exchange stepped forward and put his hand on his brother’s

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