A Private War
that was something they should set up at Redway. Looking up at the watchtower as they passed beside it, Gaylon could see it was well sand bagged and mounted a search light.
    "I like the way you set this up. Did you have much trouble from the war? I heard they dropped one not too far from here."
    "They hit the National Guard base about fifteen miles from here. The blast wasn't too bad, but we did take some fallout. Mostly from the west, the missile fields in the next state must being glowing in the dark. The pirates attacked not long after that. You'll see the damage when we get nearer to the center of town. But, they haven't been back for weeks now," Peters answered as they approached the town hall. Gaylon could see looted building and signs of fires and small explosions around many of the shops. Across the street he saw that the local police station was burned and gutted. Peters pointed out more damage as they walked up the steps into the Town Hall. Gaylon pushed open the doors and they headed inside and down the hall to the Mayor's office. After Peters stopped them outside a door marked Private, he walked in to talk to the Mayor and inform him about Gaylon and Kate’s official visit. Then opening the door, he motioned for them to come inside. Mayor Denton rose from his desk as Gaylon and Kate entered his office. The Mayor was short and pale, and he was dressed in a soiled business suit that didn't fit him anymore.  His hair was thin and was combed over the bald spot on the top of his head.  Sticking out his hand he smiled at Gaylon and Kate and asked them to take off their packs and to be seated.
    "Well, Mr. Masters, what can we do for you and the town of Redway?"
    "Mayor, it's what we can do for each other that is important.  We've come here to make a deal with you and to help you with the pirates.  Something I think we both want to do something about.  What we want to propose is an exchange, we need men to help us defend our town and you need something that can destroy the pirates without endangering your people.  I can show you how to do that."
    "Mr. Masters, I can't leave this town defenseless on just your word!  The pirates have been massing just outside the town right this minute and we need every man that can carry a gun to fight them off.  I'm sorry but the answer is no, I just can't take the chance that whatever you may have in mind will fail and the people that depend on us to protect them will be killed by those animals out there."
    "Can you at least listen to what I have to say.  It won't cost you anything and you may change your mind.  This town can't afford not to."  Gaylon stated and getting up from his chair, walked over to this pack and pulled out a small red gas bottle. "We have a small technical college in Redway as you may have heard.  Well, they came up with this, it's a form of gas that kills instantly, all that you have to do is breath it and you're dead.  It breaks down in air after about three hours so you move your people back in after a few hours with no danger.  Fill grenades and rockets with it and you can easily cover a large area in a matter of minutes.  We have a large supply of the gas and gas masks to go with it which are ready to be moved from Redway to Austin.  You help us, we help you.  It's that simple."

Later Kate walked down the main street of Austin and looked into the stores and shops that were still open even after the war.  Several people were standing near one and looking at a butcher cutting up a side of beef.  Kate didn't think anything of it until she noticed an armed guard standing just inside the door of the shop.  She thought to herself, those people are hungry, they must be outsiders."  And as if to confirm her guess the guard stepped out into the open air and pointed his gun at the people and motioned them away from the window.  Turning her back Kate ran down the street toward the hotel where Peters had directed them after talking to the

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