A New Journey (Second Chance #3)

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Book: A New Journey (Second Chance #3) by Christina Escue Read Free Book Online
Authors: Christina Escue
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the other side of Rylee. He was paying very close attention to what they were talking about and grinned wickedly when a thought popped into his head. He knew just what he had to do to get Karla away from Conner.
    While the girls were talking in Latin class Conner was sitting in German. He hated that he couldn’t get the girls to choose German over Latin, but he could deal with being away from them for ninety minutes if it meant he didn’t have to learn Latin. He was deep in thought about what happened with Karla yesterday when someone tapped him on the shoulder.
    “Mind if I sit here?” Travis Carpenter asked and pointed to the seat next to Conner.
    “I didn’t expect to see you here.” Conner said with a grin. He liked Travis, it was Trevor he couldn’t stand.
    “This is probably the only class I’ll ever have with someone as smart as you.” Travis teased before his expression changed. “I need to talk to you about something.”
    “Sure. What’s up?”
    “I think Trevor is going to try to break you and Karla up. He has this obsession with her that I just don’t understand. Yes, she’s beautiful and smart and a great person, but she’s also totally and completely devoted to you. He doesn’t stand a chance with her.”
    “He’s been obsessed with her for a year now. What makes you think he’s going to try something now?”
    “Last night I was in his room helping him finish boxing up some old things that we’re donating to the clothes drive next month and I came across this box in the top of his closet. It was full of stuff about Karla. There were pictures of her, mostly taken at school, but there were a few from various places around town. There were also clippings from all the newspaper articles that featured the academic team. He has the full article and pictures from when the school paper did a full spread on her and Rylee being named junior captains. I confronted him about it and he told me it was none of my business. I’m worried he’s going to try something and Karla’s going to get hurt.”
    “Travis, I consider you a friend so I’m going to be straight with you. If Trevor does anything to hurt Karla I will kick his dramatic ass.”
    “Conner, if that stupid brother of mine does something to hurt Karla I will help you kick his dramatic ass. I love my brother, but he needs to learn that he can’t always get what he wants. Also, if he hurts Karla that will hurt Rylee and I can’t let that happen.”
    Conner relaxed a little at Travis’ words and grinned. “Speaking of Rylee, what’s the deal with you two? Everyone can see that you like each other.”
    “I’m working up the courage to ask her out. Think she’d date a non-smart kid”   
    “Definitely.” Conner said just as the bell rang. “Now I have to go find my girls. I’ll see you at lunch.”
    “See ya, man. I’ll keep an eye on Trevor for ya.”
    “Thanks, man.” Conner said as he headed to meet his girls in Calculus.

Chapter Sixteen
    “Hey, little brother, how is your first day of high school going so far?” Karla greeted Elliot when he joined them at lunch.
    “It’s going okay so far. I only have one class with Mallie, which isn’t cool, but at least I get to see her at lunch.”
    “Here she comes now.” Conner said with a grin. His grin instantly faded when he saw who was walking over with her.
    “Hello.” Trevor greeted everyone, but his eyes never left Karla. “You are looking exceptionally lovely today, Karla.”
    Karla looked down at the green tank-top and denim capris she wore and shrugged before she looked at Trevor. “If you say so.”
    “Karla, my dear, you could be wearing a potato sack and still be the most stunning creature to grace the earth.”
    “Trevor, you’re full of crap. Doesn’t the drama department have reserved tables or something?” Madison asked as she came up behind her brother. “Now move so I can sit down.”
    Once Maddie was seated Trevor looked at Karla again.

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